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Bot not working for me

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I set my game 800X600 windowed

when I click start bot trying to click same point again and again even there is mobs around me does not attacking and not moving correctly. what is wrong?

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to the devs:

u might change the "Now fully working with x.xx.x" on the download page to something which says more something like

"latest poe client version which is working properly is x.xx.x"

this would atleast help a bit more to prevent threads like this one if ppl start reading carefully.

and yes i know ppl wont read carefullly. but u can atleast blame them for not doing it then and hope they will change it ;)




1. this is not for general section which is obvious if there is a issue section.

2. if u would have read atleast a bit more in the issue section u would have seen the update problem and we all could have spent our time with something more useful...


sry for this, but i hate ppl which dont even try to read even a bit before posting useless stuff.

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We'll do even better d12 :)

We'll do something to prevent users launching the bot if it is outdated.

That way we can even display a message saying that the bot is outdated and is not currently working etc...

I even think that i can MAYBE do something to mail the users who want it when we release a new version ^_^ (not sure about this one, it gives us more work, while we've already too much to do)

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thats rly nice.

and ye the mail seems pretty useless.

and noone with a real brain rly want to recieve a mail if there is a bot update....

let ppl do atleast a bit work on themselves otherwise they get even more dumb.


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why not auto-update?!

Because i didn't look around this atm but it's something we'll come with someday :)

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they wont.

1. cause its quite hard to make updates without bugs. and fast bug fixes are rly nice btw.

2. 1. causes less botting ;)


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