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Invasion Bosses

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It dosen't work too well on some of the most infamous 1 shot monsters.


Most invasion bosses are powerful, but only a few has the ability to 1hko players and most of the 1hko invasion bosses do not currently work with the chicken on sight. Specifically tested are:


M'gska, the Living Pyre -> this guy's flameblast can 1 shot even at 75% fire resist.

Tested today, did not chicken. Definitely not working


Jikeiji - If all totem stack up, it gets scary

Tested 2 days ago, successfully chickened


Shivershell - works fine


Granitecrush - works, most of the time. Sometimes still engages him


Ossecati, Boneshaper - Vaal smash one shots. Tested Yesterday, works.


So the chicken script is currently somewhat unreliable, it works sometimes, and don't work some other times, and I'm really not sure what's wrong with it, but the above boss definitely need to be taken into consideration because they are truly "1 shot bosses" while others can largely be mitigated through resistance (e.g. chaos resist too) or do "chip dmg" that chips away at your health without 1 shotting most of the time.


will need to test a couple more scary ones

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Hey, I found this post through some searching, and I think it would be great if someone could add the information for Beyond bosses.


I was monitoring my bot (thank god) because I popped a boss, Haast (the ice guy).

I went into the chicken on sight section of Exiled Bot and Enabled and added "Haast, Unrelenting Frost"


I went back into the instance after reloading the bot etc, and he didn't chicken.  I also tried Haast.  I have range set to 2000.  I got right next to him, in fact my bot was just attacking him over and over...


Any genius thoughts?  Is this even possible?

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