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Invasion Bosses

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Because I know your fingers have gotten TOO FAT for typing :)


Alpha Paradisae
Atziri's Pride
Balus StoneSkull
Bladeback Guardian
Blood Morpher
Blood Stasis
Cintiq, The Inescapable
Coniraya, Shadow of Malice
Corrector Draconides
Evocata Apocalyptica
Genesis Paradisae
Guardian of the Mound
Harbinger of Elements
Haviri, Vaal Metalsmith
Inti of the Blood Moon
Judgement Apparatus
Kall Foxfly
Konu, Maker of Wind
Kutec, Vaal Fleshsmith
M'gska, the Living Pyre
Mother of the Swarm
Ossecati, Boneshaper
Rima, Deep Temptress
Sheaq, Maker of Floods
The Bolt Juggler
The Book Burner
The Duchess
The Firestarter
The Raging Mask
The Revenant
Wiraqucha, Ancient Guardian
Edited by CanadianGamer

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Exiles too


"Antalie Napora",
"Armios Bell",
"Ash Lessard",
"Damoi Tui",
"Eoin Greyfur",
"Igna Phoenix",
"Ion Darkshroud",
"Jonah Unchained",
"Minara Anemina",
"Orra Greengate",
"Thena Moga",
"Tinevin Highdove",
"Torr Olgosso",
"Xandro Blooddrinker",

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haha real men dont auto chicken at the sight of a exile or boss.


nice work tho diabolica

Edited by Phaukt

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So what am I doing wrong. I've posted in the chat box a few times and nobody has a working solution. I have checked the box to chicken for invasion bosses. I copied this list into the box for boss names. I saved the profile and even checked to make sure that the names were saved in the config file. Everything is there. Still my bot doesn't chicken when it runs into an invasion boss. 

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For chicken on specific monster on sight (new line for each name, can use regex) what is regex?


damn Jikeji killed my level 70 invasion and no hes after my level 4:( I have never been able to get bot to chicken on Jikeji for some reason, most work but never him
Edited by Tronak

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For chicken on specific monster on sight (new line for each name, can use regex) what is regex?


damn Jikeji killed my level 70 invasion and no hes after my level 4:( I have never been able to get bot to chicken on Jikeji for some reason, most work but never him



It isnt 100% working atm.

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There seems to be a bug with the interface where, if the length of the parameter value in the config.ini file is too big (492 characters according to my tests), it ignores/overwrites it with blank data. It does seem to be fucking up based on the number of characters rather than the number of elements in the list.


In fact, the parameter string begins with sight_chicken_names= which is 20 characters long. It adds up to maximum of 512 characters (2x256, now thats a familiar number). 


TLDR: I suppose the interface parses the string with 8bit pointers and the thing goes out of bounds or something. For now, I just go with a few select invasion bosses and exiles rather than with the entire list there so I dont exceed the character limit.

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Ok so despite that, it seems to work for certain uniques and not for others. My bot chickens fine when it encounters the black spider, for exemple. It fails to chicken when it encounters Ossecati, Guardian of the Mound, the totem one, etc.


Makes botting in Invasion risky as hell.

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Right. I make sure im way overleveled for the zone and still set the chicken treshold pretty high (I think it's at 50% right now).

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Is this feature bugged ? If yes can anybody pm me to help resolving.

I made some tests and bot 100% chicken on Perpetus as expected.

Does it work for you with Perpetus ? (A3, City of Sarn)

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I've ripped over 5 50+ bots in Cruel with chickens at ~55%. The bosses are just insane.


Most recently, my level 61 ST scion with insane gear, capped res and 4k armor died to something (not sure what) in Cruel Docks. At level 61.

Edited by okcsfinest

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Is this feature bugged ? If yes can anybody pm me to help resolving.

I made some tests and bot 100% chicken on Perpetus as expected.

Does it work for you with Perpetus ? (A3, City of Sarn)


I've tested it on Perpetus (works fine), Kuduku, the False God (works fine) and various invasion bosses. Like I said, it works for some of them (off the top of my head, it works for the black spider, Shivershell and a few others) and fails to chicken on the others. The bot does get its cursor on them and attack them so clearly it's aware of it. Maybe it fails to read the full name properly, who knows.


Edit: There's also the problem with the interface I mentionned a few posts above (it only lets you input up to 512 characters.. makes for short lists)

Edited by Lodis

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Is this feature bugged ? If yes can anybody pm me to help resolving.

I made some tests and bot 100% chicken on Perpetus as expected.

Does it work for you with Perpetus ? (A3, City of Sarn)

I often see my bot engaging invasion bosses, even thought it ought to be chickening

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Doesn't work for me either. Failed to chicken on "Cintiq, the Inescapable" amongst many others.


Does the bot not recognize some unique monsters or something?

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