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simple autohotkey macro i use

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this macro is made for autohotkey




WinActivate ,Path of Exile




sleep 750

ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0,0, a_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, C:\Exiled Bot Alpha v06\clarityoff.bmp ;checks for aura

if ErrorLevel = 0


send l


ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0,0, a_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, C:\Exiled Bot Alpha v06\angeroff.bmp ;checks for second aura

if ErrorLevel = 0


send k


ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0,0, a_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, C:\Exiled Bot Alpha v06\leapready.bmp ;checks to see if your in a fighting area

if ErrorLevel = 0 ;only moves mouse and clicks if your attack skill is ready


loop, 5 ;clicks wherever the mouse is for 2.5 seconds to help movement



sleep 500


sleep 50

if mynumber>=3 ;every third loop spams t for leap slam


mousemove 100,100,0 ;to get past gaps/ledges, also moves mouse

sleep 10 ;in case bot is stuck

send tttttt


mousemove 350,100,0


send {alt} ;makes sure alt isnt stuck on

sleep 10

send {ctrl} ;makes sure ctrl isnt stuck on

sleep 10

send z ;reorders items on the ground to prevent

sleep 10 ;bot from spam clicking the wrong item

send z



Pause::Pause ;pauses/unpauses script when pause is pushed


you will need to change the paths (C:\Exiled Bot Alpha v06\angeroff.bmp) and create small screen shots of your skills for the macro to look for

mine look something like this

Posted Image

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cool if u show it to the comunity, but would e even cooler if u would give a short explanation what it is doing.

so anyone can see if he should try it out or not ;)


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the first image search

ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0,0, a_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, C:\Exiled Bot Alpha v06\clarityoff.bmp

if ErrorLevel = 0


send l


this checks to see if clarity is turned off from relogging, and if it is it pushes L cause thats where i set it

the next image search does the same but pushes K for my determination aura

the whole next section of the macro is inside of an image search, so that it will only start clicking IF it sees the attack icon i specified, which was leap slam

ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0,0, a_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, C:\Exiled Bot Alpha v06\leapready.bmp

if ErrorLevel = 0


then it clicks 5 times wherever the mouse is at the time (bot positioned it)

loop, 5



sleep 500


every third loop of the entire macro it pushes t a few times to trigger leap slam, in case im stuck on 1 side of a wall, gap or ledge

if mynumber>=3


mousemove 100,100,0

sleep 10

send tttttt


mousemove 350,100,0


the 100,100,0 on the first mouse move was something i added specificaly for crossroads and can be removed/edited without it after it pushes t for leap slam wherever the bot had the mouse, it moves the mouse to 350,100, this is after it has completed all actions on this loop of the macro, this is just for when the bot is standing doing nuthing and doesnt know where to go. on the next loop if the bot isnt moving the mouse you will move in this direction

and at the very end there this

send {alt}

sleep 10

send {ctrl}

sleep 10

send z

sleep 10

send z

i have had issues where ctrl has gotten stuck on from it making a new instance, and then the bot gets stuck and cant do anything, this just checks to make sure alt(if your using alt for item pickup) and ctrl are not stuck on, then it also pushes z twice to reorder items on the ground, i have had other issues where the bot would spam click and item i cant pick up while tryin to get to a currency, reordering the items on the ground fixes this

after that it just restarts =x

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Dude that's awesome!! I didn't know that autohotkey had some image detection routines.

I would like to have that ImageSearch function in c++.

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Dude that's awesome!! I didn't know that autohotkey had some image detection routines.

I would like to have that ImageSearch function in c++.

The autohotkey/autoit is a simple dll that easily can be called from any c++ app. Its not that fast though.

But i believe there is some open source version available somewhere.

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autoit and autohotkey are pretty much the same thing... that being said there is 1 major difference

the code needed for autoit can be several times longer than that needed to do the same job in autohotkey

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I still prefer autoit :)

It's just about how to code, i prefer the autoit synthaxis

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Dude that's awesome!! I didn't know that autohotkey had some image detection routines.

I would like to have that ImageSearch function in c++.

The autohotkey/autoit is a simple dll that easily can be called from any c++ app. Its not that fast though.

But i believe there is some open source version available somewhere.

Thanks, I'll make some tests, especially about the performance because I don't want to create a new thread dedicated to image recognition.

The best would be some c++ sources.

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if your watching the bot and want it to loot rares, uniques, you can use this AUTOIT script

Global $Paused

HotKeySet("{HOME}", "TogglePause")

WinActivate('Path of Exile')

While 1

$PixelLoc = PixelSearch(0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0xffff77)

If Not @error Then

MouseClick("primary", $PixelLoc[0], $PixelLoc[1], 3, 0)


$PixelLoc = PixelSearch(0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0xaf6025)

If Not @error Then

MouseClick("primary", $PixelLoc[0], $PixelLoc[1], 3, 0)




While 1



Func TogglePause()

$Paused = Not $Paused

While $Paused


ToolTip('Script is "Paused"', 0, 0)




pushing home will pause unpause it, all it does is look for the yellow from rares, and the orange from uniques and clicks them if it finds it

this macro i found somewhere else, its not my work, but i did edit it a little, i dont remember where i got it tho =x

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