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Looting fail

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I was out for 1.5 months, i came back and i notice a few things, i don't know either of them bug or just bad optioning.

- When a lot of items appear, bot stucks and cant loot e.g. wisdoms, cursor moves up and down slowly then again.

-bot not picking up Armourer Scraps neither whetstones
-bot not picking up wisdom scrolls, it happens a few times, bot just run next to wisdom scroll, and not picking it.
- I dunno why, but i made it use stash tab 1,2 and it rolls over 1-2-3-4 then 4-3-2-1 and puts the item in it.
-With pickit, bot does not put items to sale tab, and stucks.

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1.) true, happens sometimes


could try to change these settings, if it happens too often.




2.) its intended, only works via smart pickup


3.) never heard about that issue


4.) yes, multi stashing is implemented again in this rc version, and its not perfect. but it seems to work so far


5.) known bug in the current rc version (guess it will be fixed in the nxt version)



consider that this rc vers is a beta and first version after the extension (where literally "every" offset was changed and new content added). patience is virtue :mrgreen:

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Ty mate, very clear. I don't know why the 3rd happens with me and with my friend.


1.) true, happens sometimes


could try to change these settings, if it happens too often.



2.) its intended, only works via smart pickup


3.) never heard about that issue


4.) yes, multi stashing is implemented again in this rc version, and its not perfect. but it seems to work so far


5.) known bug in the current rc version (guess it will be fixed in the nxt version)



consider that this rc vers is a beta and first version after the extension (where literally "every" offset was changed and new content added). patience is virtue :mrgreen:


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ill explain exactly why its not looting scrolls. you already have your set number in your inventory. if you have your bot set to keep 40 wisdom scrolls then once you have 40 it will not loot one unless you use one. if you want to pick them all up then set it to a ridiculous number but keep in mind that if you do it will not stash them.

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