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I've been trying Tunnelbear as it seems like a nice tool and offers 1GB of traffic for tweeting them once per month. The issue I've been having is that you can't log into PoE if the Tunnelbear is running, it just seems like the PoE server is unreachable. Once I turn off TB, I can log in, and then if I turn it on again, I can play the game and I'm seen as behind a proxy.


Any one have any experience with this? Why the problem with logging into the game?

Edited by MrljaC

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don't use free service like this, its much easier to get caught by GGG. It's bette to pay for a dedicated ip from a vpn provider


Ok, thanks. Any recommendations, other that the ones EB support linked to?

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Go with any known VPN provider that provides a variety of static servers for a low price.  If GGG bans you, claim you use a VPN for privacy.  A lot of legit players actually do, some actually have to due to the country they live in, so you have a very valid excuse in the rare chance that someone else is using the same server as you to play PoE.  For actual VPNs, just google things like "top ten vpns for value" etc. and pick what you like.

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Thanks for the info, I'll take a look into it.


What I'm a bit unsure about is whether this will pay off. I'm just looking to make some additional currency/uniques as I'm fed up with the low drop rates, and for 10$ per month for VPN I could probably get 4-5 ex per month just from RMT sites. Will have to think about it I guess and decided whether it's worth it.


Or maybe just wait for DS2 and forget about PoE.

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