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Problems stashing

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To keep it short, if I set the bot to stash in 3 and stash 1 is full, within three hours or so of botting the bot will get stuck on the first stash opening and closing without switching to stash 3.  Been botting 24-7 for weeks and it was fine, but this started right after the most recent update which mentioned a change in stash tabbing.  I can just move all my items into other tabs, but this is obviously a pain.


EDIT:  Watched the bug happen, the bot will first click the noticeboard and bring up the social menu, hang at it for maybe 30 seconds, then continue opening, closing, and reopening stash regardless of what stash I choose.  Happens within the hour, pretty much makes the bot unusable.  Everything worked well before .15e, may switch back until next update.

Edited by destined2bgreat

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I'd like to point out that, even with update .15f, this bug was not fixed.  Bot will still click the noticeboard, stay there indefinitely, and if you exit the noticeboard the bot will open the stash and just stay on stash one.  Won't put anything in, won't close it, nothing.  Just stays there forever.

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