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They're dropping IIQ - so value will go up on these items...

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Item quantity will be revisited in 1.1.0. We are highly likely to prevent the Item Quantity support gem from dropping in 1.1.0 and to prevent the Item Quantity mod from spawning on magic or rare items. Item Quantity will continue to exist on Unique items, but we may review its magnitude.

Old mods and items will not be removed or changed for players who currently have them. Powerful legacy items are a feature of the permanent leagues.

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sry my english is not the best:

1.10 they complete remove item quantity on blue/yellow AND remove item quantity support gem?

an that on the whole game?(incl. standard)?

Edited by dasnon

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Too bad the economy in standard is already in the toilet.  Not looking forward to main character moving to it :(

pretty much this


leagues have no item quantity gem anyway^^

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Agreed perm leagues aren't great economies, but an ex in standard goes for maybe $1.2 depending on the day. And with say 100% IIQ you're getting ~100% increased orb yield. So in 4 month leagues if you're IIQ-less (new leagues will have no IIQ apparently other than some "reduced magnitude" uniques) ex will have to be selling for $2.4 to equal daily standard earnings. If they are it's worth it but as they drop there may be a crossover.


Tip for *standard* botters: Stuff will continue to drop until 5th March so I think worth editing your pickit to take the Item Quantity gem. Also all gear with it on will become legacy so if you want to pick anything with it on the line would be:


[Rarity] >= "Rare" && [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "x" # StashItem == "true"


where x is replaced by whatever value you're into and will also cover the IIQ uniques which will become legacy valued in a couple of weeks. This won't fill your inv, IIQ doesn't spawn on weapons, body armour or shields. May not bring much in but who knows, poe pricing world is mad sometimes :P

Edited by bonebox

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This won't fill your inv, IIQ doesn't spawn on weapons, body armour or shields. May not bring much in but who knows, poe pricing world is mad sometimes :P

actually it would fill your inventory, if i am not wrong here.


[Rarity] >= "Rare" means all rares being picked up i think and then check after ident, if you have the proper item quantity value. if yes it will keep the item, if not the rare would be sold.

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I have setup bot to stash only % quality gems. Hot to add specific gems like quantity - i dont want to take all craps

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Yep that's right Stef as I said that's to stash anything with IIQ on it, I'm running it and it's not that much you'd be surprised (I've picked up 3 rares in a day on 1 bot) and max is 4 slots as no body/weapons. But then I'm happy to check my invs every 2-3 days so depends on how long you like to leave it I guess

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