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I used to bot the everlivinghell out of diablo 2 back in the day for fun. I have several top end machines sitting around the gaming house so I wanted to explore botting options for fun and possibly profit. Nothing too serious, I'm also a computer science student full time so this is kind of a side interest/hobby.


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I used to bot the everlivinghell out of diablo 2 back in the day for fun. I have several top end machines sitting around the gaming house so I wanted to explore botting options for fun and possibly profit. Nothing too serious, I'm also a computer science student full time so this is kind of a side interest/hobby.


Hello, HMC.


It's good to know there is another serious Diablo player here. I, too, have been a big Diablo player, and still have 4 characters after giving away all my accounts to the public a couple months back. Though, I did it for the sheer aspect of self-progression and "virtual," profit. I can share that desire to explore botting options and learn about the methodology of bots and enjoy them in action.


I am still relatively new to the community, so maybe you can I can enjoy learning about this bot and the community together. Send me a PM sometime.



Welcome to EB I hope you enjoy your stay in the community.

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