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v0.15d : Bot tend to rush to clear area and ignore mobs.

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I noticed my bot started chickening a lot and even died a few times after I use 0.15d. 


Sat down and noticed the bot rushes thru the area and ignored trailing mobs when previously they would clear all mobs (in sight) before proceeding to the next room. 


He even ignored some range mobs who is hitting him and just charged into the next room.  I love the catacombs support in 0.15d but had to fall back to 0.15b to avoid dying too much.


Is this just a setting issue? If so, please let me know how to change the bot behaviour back to the previous setting.  I would love to try out catacombs... I've been in library sooooo long my bot actually gotten a map from the scribe's rack!!!     :P


Thanks!  Keep up the great work!   :)




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You should try to increase the skill range multiplier for monster targeting. As it multiply the highest range value configured in your skills, if its too low, your issue will occur. But lower is the value and less the back and forth issue will occur.


I know it sounds quite complex but it works very good when configured properly.

Standard value of 200% is perfect for my spectral throw build (highest range: 300, so bot will only attack monster closer than 200%*300 = 600). Almost no back and forth bug.

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Yes. you're right... it's the multiplier... it's working nicely now.  Thanks.  :)

btw... I tried catacombs earlier but my bot couldn't go into catacombs.

He just wanders around in the Marketplace. Is this because I'm on Garena?



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