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Change Your IP Address From the Command Prompt avoid a BAN

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Most everybody can figure out how to change their IP address using Control Panel, but did you know you can set your network card’s IP address using a simple command from the command prompt?

Note: The following commands require you to have an administrative command prompt open by right-clicking on the icon and choosing Run as Administrator.

Changing Your IP Address

Changing your IP information requires two commands, one for your IP address, subnet mask and default gateway and another for your DNS settings. In order to change your IP address we use the netsh command, the exact command you want to use is the following:

netsh interface ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” static

This assumes the following:

The name of the interface you want to change the IP address for is Local Area Network

You want to statically assign an IP address of

You want to set a subnet mask of

You want to set a default gateway of

Armed with this information you should obviously switch the settings out for some that are suited to your network. You might, however, be wondering how you can go from using an already set static IP address to getting an address from DHCP. In this case the command you are looking for is:

netsh interface ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” source=dhcp

Changing Your DNS Settings

As far as DNS goes you only have two settings to set, a primary DNS server as well as a secondary one. The command to set them is almost identical, to set your primary DNS server you will want to use:

netsh interface ip set dns name=”Local Area Connection” static

This again assumes a few things:

The name of the interface you want to change the primary DNS setting for is Local Area Network

The IP address of the DNS Server is

To change the IP address of the secondary DNS server you will need to specify the index parameter:

netsh interface ip add dns name=”Local Area Connection” index=2

The above command would set your network adapter named Local Area Connection to use a secondary DNS server address of (which is the Google public DNS servers, incase you didn’t know). The last thing you might want to do it set your DNS settings to be assigned dynamically, which can be done through the following command.

netsh interface ip set dnsservers name=”Local Area Connection” source=dhcp

That’s all the command line magic you are going to need to impress some of your friends,get rich and avoid multibans so what are you waiting for? GET BOTTING

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Ummm... Unless I'm misreading this, this will not change your external IP.

It looks like you start out by changing your local IP address to This does nothing but set your local IP address(meaning the one that your computer is referenced by in your local network). Usually your default gateway is or and are simply the last assignable host address in those networks using the subnet mask of None of this has any affect on your external IP(what GGG sees)

Then you set your DNS to google's DNS server. A Domain Name Server serves the purpose of translating a human-friendly name(www.google.com, www.pathofexile.com, www.exiled-bot.net etc.) into its assigned IP address(This is what is used to actually route your data). IIRC you only contact a DNS server when you do not have the information stored locally. Go to your command prompt and type 'ping www.google.com', it will reply with something similar to the message 'Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=41' four times. Along our ping's path a DNS server has translated 'www.google.com' to it's associated IP address of ''(Bit more complicated but works for this example.) This has NO affect on your external IP.

Your external IP is assigned by your Internet Provider. They are assigned in a static or dynamic way. A static IP will RARELY(Read: pretty much never) change under normal operations. Dynamic IP assignments will expire after a predetermined time and you will be assigned a new one. If you have a static IP address(seems to be most common) the only realistic ways to get a new one are to contact your provider and ask for a new one or spoof your router's MAC address as it's usually used to determine a user's IP address. If it were as simple as simple as your instructions nobody would pay money for a VPN simply to have a separate IP.

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i just made a tutorial about setting up a vm for "save" botting.

maybe u guys can atke a look at it.

captianwow u seem to know a bit about networks. so if u find some mistakes in my thread it would be cool to tell us.

i just suck if it comes to networking ;)


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This topic should be closed as none of the above suggestions (except captianwow's) are valid.


Things to note for TCP traffic over IP networks  (from many a year developer)

  • - Changing your local IP address has no meaning as this is stripped at your router level, repackaged and send to destination (over-simplified)
  • - Changing your MAC address has no effect whatsoever, as this is not visible except your router and other traffic in your LAN.
  • - Using a VM or not does not alter the above two statements (translated traffic or not, so unless you have another dedicated line connected to the VM -not 2nd net card- the rules apply).


WAN traffic is controlled by your ISP entirely and that includes everything from your router to the wider world end (over simplified again but think of it as nothing you could do to spook it). VPN traffic is encrypted, so ISP ignores it (check VPN ISP does not hold logs).


Also no matter which name server (DNS) you'll use, again that has nothing to do with the destination of the TCP packets which are what a game would see. DNS is for your convenience only. No local info is seen outside the confines of your own local LAN (independent of the transport protocol used), otherwise everyone would be able to access private networks.


Only way to fool any game, including PoE, that you are not your ISP's biatch is only by:

  • - Using a VPN to connect to the game, as your exit point is some other ISP (private & encrypted, openVPN best, PPTP ok too)
  • - So DNS doesn't matter as no leakage can be detected or seen (spoofing DNS only matters for P2P traffic; physically connect to a machine connecting back to you (ie downloading) from you... so unless MPAA are monitoring you, which you don't care playing a game, they need a court order to get logs from your ISP - exception ofc the CIA which logs all internet traffic so in the end 3 crays hard at work will find you and spunk you)
  • - TOR/anonymiser would work for a very short period of time but the game would ban you pretty quick as they like to build habit/traffic gaming profiles for each user for future use.
  • - Cheap smart "non-ISP" router (see older Netgear models for ease of use) which you can re-flash and setup a linux image in 10mins to physically spook your router's WAN MAC (unless there are collisions, so your ISP might not be happy).
  • - Have a smart nanoPC or NAS box acting as your router which you can apply the above.
  • - Note: It's not smart to ask your ISP to reset your static IP, as that means automatic ISP focus on logging/monitoring of your connection from that point on (unless you have an EXTREMELY good reason, usually to do with business practices, bullying, abuse etc)


Bottom line, everyone that wants to bot, know that unattended botting behaviour cannot be hidden (VPN or not, god created bot or not) from the game profiling you on the other side. When (If) they look into their game profile of your account, they don't need/have any personal info of you (except an email) and hardly check IPs, MACs, traffic etc (unless they need geolocation info, anyone used Wireshark profiling they'll know what I mean) as that is used only if their profiling/filtering scripts (yes they have bots too!!) decide you are trying to cheat the game (or having been reported! Or having been observed by a GM). That's the only thing they care cause it translates directly to profit loss for them. 



And as per the great WoW smackdown podcasts released after the launch of Battlenet a few years ago, to catch a bot (gold seller?) 95% of the time comes down to their gaming habits. Following some simple rules to bot as humanly as possible, avoids detection for a long time (excluding chinese farming ofc which they are bots by definition).


Tips on how to bot can be found elsewhere on the site but I'll just mentioned a few quick pointers which I did not see mentioned elsewhere:


  • - Use a fake/temp account which you don't care if lost should be obvious. Cry foul about your banned account that instigates further/deeper investigation which can only be bad news to every other account that you ever used/played and all that interacted with you (pending on how dedicated they want to be).
  • - Bot as humanly as possible, keeping in mind the bot is not a human, even though it mimics one nicely for a short while. Erratic behaviour will sooner or later get you banned. Running the same area for many hrs is just too boring for humans and only attracts attention. Not dying, having perfect runs, following the same path every time means goodbye. Mix and match all the time as much as you can.
  • - Most basic info held in every gaming profile is the session duration time, so running a bot 24/7 (does not matter if you alternate accounts or hardware unless you use different VPN ISPs) is not a question of IF you get caught but WHEN they get around the backlogs to spoon you. All that time would have been better invested running a BC mining rig.
  • - If you run long sessions, taking breaks every so often (ie bot idle for 30mins) is very human like behaviour. Again linear game times are a certain ban, eg is it humanly possible to keep farming at 100% speed 3am your local time every day? Even with Starbucks being your uncle perhaps not!
  • - Another info that is logged in a gaming profile is your key/mouse usage and press/reaction times. So altering your keys often (have different key setups for the same profile matched to different actions) might not make your bot as efficient but will spice it up. Increasing cooldowns is certainly desirable. Dying now and again is very desirable.


Long post, sorry, better stop here as can't be bothered to edit it; hope that I helped a noobie a little clearing some misunderstandings  </rumbling>

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