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JodyChat+ 0.1 | Trade/Global chat spammer with fancy features.

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Yes there are some of bugs.


Pm detection isn't accurate.

The worst of all randomly at times it screws up the keyboard forcing me to reboot. I don't know how it would have managed that.


Releasing the sour-code would still be a better idea. Do not worry about making $ off this because these is already a tool like this in existence and you can find it on forums. In fact it comes with tons of other features not related to spamming as well. AutoPOE is also a freeware with sourecode. Let the community help you out.


PM detection works fine for me, and obviously it "screws up the keyboard" it uses your keyboard to type things, just like the bot.


Telling me that my idea is unoriginal and pointless isn't going to entice me to want to give you my source code.

Edited by JodyHighroller

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GJ Bro.


Just testing in my VM with Sound Alert and works fine!


Btw where is this ChatOpenIndicator.bmp file?? o.o



yeah I don't know wtf is up with that, It's in the zip file but every time i upload it to mediafire it deletes it or something... it makes no sense, i've tested it like 10 times, every time i upload it and then DL it again that file is gone

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PM detection works fine for me, and obviously it "screws up the keyboard" it uses your keyboard to type things, just like the bot.


Telling me that my idea is unoriginal and pointless isn't going to entice me to want to give you my source code.

Jody, could you upload chatopen.bmp to google drive or another filehosting site pls. Thanks!

Edited by Blitze

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Jody, could you upload chatopen.bmp to google drive or another filehosting site pls. Thanks!


lol. why don't you just use one of the other chat spammers that has way more features like you mentioned?

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lol. why don't you just use one of the other chat spammers that has way more features like you mentioned?

You misunderstood what i said. The point i am trying to get across is people have released code for apps they made which required a lot more work. So I don't understand why you didn't want to release yours. Yours is better suited for spamming because its only function is that. 


If you want to be sarcastic its fine. I just stated the problems i was having and suggested to let the community help you. And requesting for source code to be published is just practicing common courtesy instead of 'de-compling' the exe ourselves.

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