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JodyChat+ 0.1 | Trade/Global chat spammer with fancy features.

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** Discontinued until further notice due to people being rude and ungrateful and not listening to my advice to make the bot work. **


(If you want my current version and you're not an impatient asshole you can PM me and ask for a DL, or offer a trade)



This is the first program I've ever made so go easy.


I've tested everything myself and it seems to be working but I'm sure there will be bugs.




 - Spams messages in trade or global chat with random (configurable) delays between messages.


 - Spams a range of chat channels and randomizes the order each cycle. (by default it will spam Trade channels 1 through 10 in a random order)


 - Automatically pauses and alerts you when you receive a PM.

         Alert consists of a message box and/or a sound clip which are both toggle-able, you can also change the default sound if you'd like.


 - Config file for choosing the range of channels to spam, the min/max delay between messages, hotkeys, etc.





Download the .zip file, extract into a new folder. There will be an .exe, an AutoIt file called Imagesearch, a .dll file for ImageSearch, and an audio file for the alert.


*** Make sure to run the .exe as administrator, it needs to be run as admin to work. That's the only reason it's compiled already. ***


The first time you run the .exe it will create a config file and then close. Change any settings if you'd like and then run the .exe again.


Join trade/global chat and send a chat message, i.e. "WTS 20 chaos for 1 ex" - then run the spammer (F7 by default) - it will continue to repeat your message. 







(DL removed until further notice)


      ** Some features are buggy but it works for the most part. Tomorrow I'll have a much more reliable version. **


      Changes in 0.3:

       - Fixed a few bugs from the comments (hopefully)

       - Added new option to toggle randomizing of channel order.

       - Added new option called "Idle mode" which idles after each cycle of spamming and wait for PMs. (For example, default is idle for 30 seconds, so it will   spam channels 1 through 10, idle for 30 seconds, then spam 1-10 again etc.) You can toggle this on or off or change the idle time in the settings.




(DL removed until further notice)


      Changes in 0.2:
       - New option called "Alert Only Mode" alerts you when you receive a PM without actually spamming the chat. Works the same way. - You can toggle it on in the config file.

       - Spammer now joins a random Trade channel between 57 and 958 after receiving a PM so your PM doesn't scroll off the screen when you're AFK.



(DL removed until further notice)



Please list any bugs, complaints, or suggested features in the comments.


 * I'm going to ask a forum mod to check out the source and vouch that it doesn't delete your computer or do anything shady in the comments when they have time.

Edited by JodyHighroller
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Jody u da man, I already have something simillar but this looks to be better, 8 AM now and havent slept, will test tomorrow either way seems very promissing =)

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So, can I have this not spamming trade, have PoE tabbed out and get a msg box/soundclip to play when I recieve a PM?


Hm, good idea. I'll add that soon.


edit: Not sure if I can have it search for PM pixels if it's not visible on the screen but I'll try.

Edited by JodyHighroller

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sourcy code included?  will want to take a look and make own tweaks :) I dont require to run as admin since i always use built in admin account by default. tx bro!

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I'd rather keep the source code for now because if I add a lot more features I may want to sell/trade it for a small fee for my time. If you have suggestions for things to add I can add them myself or I'd consider trading the source if you wanna trade some standard currency or something :P

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What virus could be in it, it's like 300 KB and doesn't connect to the internet. Why even post that? Now nobody's going to help test it.

Not to mention I sent the source to both Walt and gamer to compare.

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Hey! i did not get this 2work sadly :/ it said it was running however it did not do anything

EDIT: Sorry i cannot read 2day.. will try to run as admin when i get home!

Edited by rumpis

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For me it just pauses but doesnt play the sound. What happens is the popup/sound is played only after I unpause with f6... it doesnt come by itself


Would be cool if it would just go from trade channel to trade channel in order and we could configure the delays between each trade channel message, can u add that as an option please?

Edited by roneo1234

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For me it just pauses but doesnt play the sound. What happens is the popup/sound is played only after I unpause with f6... it doesnt come by itself


Would be cool if it would just go from trade channel to trade channel in order and we could configure the delays between each trade channel message, can u add that as an option please?


To the first thing: weird, I'll check it out.


To the second, that is what it does.

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To the first thing: weird, I'll check it out.


To the second, that is what it does.


NOT in random order, in ascending order

Edited by roneo1234

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Testing out the alert only mode and it seems to never unpause. Even if I leave /trade 1 open and let the PM go far away, it still says I have a PM after I unpause, and keeps doing that

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The virus scan is a false positive. I've tested it out and it works.


If you want to be cautious then I just recommend you download the Chatspammer on your VM instead of sharing it through the network. ;) but the version I had tested for jody was just fine.

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Testing out the alert only mode and it seems to never unpause. Even if I leave /trade 1 open and let the PM go far away, it still says I have a PM after I unpause, and keeps doing that


yeah I think I made a mistake, I'll fix it in a minute

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Have you considered posting this on other sites like ownedcore? ;) maybe send a little traffic our way :D

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link doesn't work :(


yeah sorry there's all sorts of bugs with the script and i've been busy with work. i'll get a newer version up sometime this weekend with everything fixed


the link itself should be working though, weird

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Yes there are some of bugs.


Pm detection isn't accurate.

The worst of all randomly at times it screws up the keyboard forcing me to reboot. I don't know how it would have managed that.


Releasing the sour-code would still be a better idea. Do not worry about making $ off this because these is already a tool like this in existence and you can find it on forums. In fact it comes with tons of other features not related to spamming as well. AutoPOE is also a freeware with sourecode. Let the community help you out.

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GJ Bro.


Just testing in my VM with Sound Alert and works fine!


Btw where is this ChatOpenIndicator.bmp file?? o.o

Edited by OldSql

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Gonna try to test this when I dont have a VM open and get someone to pm me from guild or something. PMing from the the VM to test alert only mode just doesnt work haha

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