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bots miss-click on guild tab, and keep looping without relogging

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As stated on my title, the bot was trying to stash stuff, but it miss click the guild tab or the social board(find parties), and keep on pressing escape and clicking back the guild tab, and it does not relog, and it continues for hours until i spotted it.


Second issue is that i set my to stash items in tab 2, but occasionally,  it will not click tab 2 , and will stash at tab 1 all the way.


For the first issue, i think its rather an serious bug as i dont have always time to go and click away when the bot click wrongly.


My latency was below 100 , so i think it was not my internet that was lagging , and have no idea whats going on.


And sorry for re-posting this again, because the current bot v0.15d is still doing this again, and i know its only some of the minority that is having the issue im facing now.


I'm not so good at programming but i have an idea which im not sure if the devs might be able to implement.


The idea is that if the bot open the wrong stash, either the guild stash or the social board, if there is no stashing of items like 5 minutes, it will auto relog.

The mouse cursor is clicking on the same item trying to stash but is unable to , so i think that the dev can find a way to detect if it is click for like X minutes and it doesnt move from our inventory , a relog is being done.


And sorry for my bad grammar and sentence construction , not very good in english :P

Edited by eggisbad

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