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Vendor Y Coordinates AUTO and MOUSEOVER scripts

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updated, working with the latest version of PoE (1.1.5b)


I've just adopted caons idea & made a new working coord script...

  • You just need to extract the zip file and run the script (vendor.exe)
    • When starting for the first time you are prompted to enter your bots directory! Do so...
  • Now just bot like you normally would do, if any coordinates changes (due to queststate changing or whatever) the script detects the new coordinates and updates your bots (it chooses your last used profile) coordinates.ini!
  • If you wanna update your coordinates manually, you just need to visit any of the three vendors (clarissa, greust or nessa)
  • Also if your coords change you'll get a quick traytip notification!
  • Enjoy!


...hopefully this tiresome topic now disappears at last!



Sexy stuff!

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i hope it is okay for you that i took your script as base... if not i can remove my version.


Nawwww, no worries man. Thats was my original intention, to share my script and hoping for someone to create a simpler working stuff.



and im looking forward to someone re-scripting this.  :D


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