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Marauder- lightning strike

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I started as a cleave marauder, but when I found the lightning strike gem I switched to that one. All gear and gems are found from farming.

My skillgem setup is:

Lightning Strike


Faster Attacks

Increased Item Quantity

When I got to lvl 54 I bought a


Dread Maul

Two Handed Mace

Physical Damage: 175-238

Critical Strike Chance: 5%

Attacks per Second: 1.80

Requires Level 54, 173 Str

20% increased Stun Duration on enemies

150% increased Physical Damage

50% increased Attack Speed

2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched back as Mana

(30-50)% reduced Rarity of Items found

(30-50)% reduced Experience gain

Cursed is the star whence it came.

The rest of my gear is terrible and lowlvl.

I do 5 attacks per second to a total of 3.5 dps, and because It has reduced experience I can stay in the same area for extra long.

; Bot main config file


enable_game_automatic_restart =true ; Define here if you want to game to automatically restart when closed. Moreover, true will start the game unpaused and false will start the game paused.

enable_autologin =true ; If you want the bot to login automatically

start_bot_paused =false ; If you want the bot to start paused or not

safe_range =400 ; Bot will kill any monster at this range before looting anything (chest and item)

open_chest =true ; open chest at range

chest_range =1000 ; open chest under this range (clean monsters before) (0 : infinite)

character_to_use = 0 ; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 0, top character).

last_act_unlocked = 3 ; Last act unlocked

last_difficulty_unlocked =3 ; Last difficulty unlocked (1 = normal, 2 = cruel, 3 = merciless)

zone_to_clean =the_forest ; Here write the name of the zone that you want the bot to clean. You have to write it /!\THE SAME WAY/!\ as it is written in

; the coordinates.ini file (without _x or _y ofc). For now, the bot can only clean one zone per run.

zone_to_clean_act =2 ; Important!! you have to give the act which the zone belongs

zone_to_clean_difficulty =3 ; Set the difficulty desired (1 = normal, 2 = cruel, 3 = merciless)

monster_no_kill_timeout =30 ; if the bot didn't kill anything during last 300s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature)

run_max_time =300 ; maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again

use_alt_to_loot =false; If you want to use Alt to loot items, setting this option to true may reduce the number of crap loot, to use this parameter

; you need to enable the option "Key Pickup" in the UI options and be sure the highlight key is set up on "alt" (default : true)


monster_max_attack_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to engage monsters (0 : infinite)


use_life_flask_percent =0.75 ; if life goes below this value, use pot (default : 0.75)

use_mana_flask_percent =0.10 ; if mana goes below this value, use pot (default : 0.2)

chicken_life_percent =0.20 ; if life goes below this value, chicken (not working atm)

; chicken_mana_percent = 0 ; if mana goes below this value, chicken (not working atm)

flask_key_slot1 = 1 ; Flask key in first slot (begining from left)

flask_slot1_recharge_rate = 7000 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot2 = 2 ; Flask key in second slot (begining from left)

flask_slot2_recharge_rate = 6500 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot3 = 3 ; Flask key in third slot (begining from left)

flask_slot3_recharge_rate = 0 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot4 = 4 ; Flask key in fourth slot (begining from left)

flask_slot4_recharge_rate = 5600 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_key_slot5 = 5 ; Flask key in fifth slot (begining from left)

flask_slot5_recharge_rate = 5600 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond)

flask_delay = 3000 ; Flask cooldown to avoid using flask multiple times when low life (default : 3000)

; Skills config file


skill0_key = mouse_left ; key or mouse button

skill0_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill0_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill

skill1_key = mouse_right ; key or mouse button

skill1_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill1_max_distance_value = 1000 ; Max distance to use this skill

skill2_key = mouse_wheel ; key or mouse button /!\NOT WORKING/!\

skill2_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill /!\NOT WORKING/!\

skill2_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill /!\NOT WORKING/!\

skill3_key = Q ; key or mouse button

skill3_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill3_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill

skill4_key = W ; key or mouse button

skill4_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill4_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill

skill5_key = E ; key or mouse button

skill5_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill5_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill

skill6_key = R ; key or mouse button

skill6_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill6_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill

skill7_key = T ; key or mouse button

skill7_min_distance_value = 0 ; Min distance to use this skill

skill7_max_distance_value = 0 ; Max distance to use this skill

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