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Destroy item script

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some people ask for destroy item script, this is part of my EEB ahk script.



1.- make a directory named ahk (or whatever) in this directory make another directory named "images", save this image there.   post-6429-0-18598900-1391060385.png


2.- in ahk directory make a file named whatever.ahk and copy&paste this script: 

; DExalt  v1 -    by jpbot (aka exalt destroyer)
; Functionality:  
;			In town: Check for keep/destroy screen and press destroy.

;~ #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
;----------------------------------- Each patch check/update this ---------------------------------------------------;
_activeSkillInTown := 0x575757 ;pixel color for active skill in town
_activeSkillInMap := 0x507BA5 ;pixel color for active skill  out of town
_activeSkillInMapInactive := 0x374659 ;pixel color for active skill  out of town without mana

_path_images := "C:\ahk\images"

;----------------------------------------  !!!!! Stop Here !!!!!  ---------------------------------------------------;

;--------------------------------------  !!!!! Internal Variables !!!!!  --------------------------------------------;
_inTown := false ;
_mapRetry := 0

; start

Loop  ; Main
	if inTown()
	Sleep 500

	if inMap()
		loop  ;in map loop		
			if inMap()
				;~ if !inBattle()
					;~ TrayTip,, not in a battle, 1
					;~ checkQuickFlask()
					;~ gemLevel()
				sleep 10
				if _mapRetry > 1
					_mapRetry := 0					
					break ;not in game					
				_mapRetry += 1

			;~ checkStuck()	
			Sleep 500			
		} ;end in game loop
	} ;end first pixel search active skill

} ;end loop

; Functions

; --check if we are in town !!!
	PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInTown%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
	if !ErrorLevel 
		return true
		return false		

; --check if we are in any map !!!
	PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInMap%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
	if !ErrorLevel 
		return true

	PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInMapInactive%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
	if !ErrorLevel 
		return true
	return false

; --check  for keep/destroy screen????
	ImageSearch, Px, Py, 275,290, 550, 370,*100 %_path_images%\destroy.png   ;search for keep/destroy screen????
	if !ErrorLevel
		Click %Px%, %Py%        
		Sleep 200  
	Sleep 10	





 3.- run the script



NOTE: Every patch you need manually check and maybe update 3 variables


_activeSkillInTown := 0x575757 ;pixel color for active skill in town
_activeSkillInMap := 0x507BA5 ;pixel color for active skill  out of town
_activeSkillInMapInactive := 0x374659 ;pixel color for active skill  out of town without mana 
use this script: 

CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

;get pixel color for active skill
		PixelGetColor, color, 655, 582 		
		TrayTip,, %color%, 2
		Sleep 1000 


;verify pixel color for active skill
	_activeSkillInTown := 0x575757 ;pixel color for active skill in town
	_activeSkillInMap := 0x507BA5 ;pixel color for active skill  out of town
	_activeSkillInMapInactive := 0x374659 ;pixel color for active skill  out of town without mana
	_inTown := 0
	Loop ;active skill
		if inMap()
			TrayTip,, In Map, 2
			if inTown()
				TrayTip,, In Town, 2
				TrayTip,, Checking..., 2
		sleep 1000

	; --check if we are in any map !!!
		IfWinExist, Path of Exile 

		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInMap%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
		if !ErrorLevel 
			return true

		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInMapInactive%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
		if !ErrorLevel 
			return true

		return false
	; --check if we are in town !!!
		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInTown%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
		if !ErrorLevel 
			return true
			return false



			Send {F12} ;pausing the bot
			Sleep 250
			Sleep 2000   
			Send {F12} ;un pausing the bot				
			Sleep 250


	msgbox script closed by user

Check my EEB script post for more info about update town check variables

Edited by jpbot

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quitPoEtoLogin() this line giving error msg. i delete it, changed coordinates for my main skill button, taking 3 different color code for it, put my coordinates in all coordinate lines in script (except the line with coord for destroy window search). Also i changed destroy pic, coz it different with mine (using texture quality10) and that bitch dont want to wirdk! Dont understand why. Also i dont understand how pixel check work. dammit im badly need that script :(

Edited by mbxnir

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