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0.14h same old problem, item stuck on cursor, running back and forth, and now new bug

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0.14h Exiledbot

like the title says same old problem for me

- item stuck on cursor

i know a lot of ppl would say upgrade your pc, more ram, its your vpn fault, etc or some other thing along these lines

the point is, if Exiledbot do need a certain Hardware spec then do please put on some sort of warning for minimum specification

and in my honest opinion a good software shouldnt be limited to only a certain spec, because the broader spec it can go, more customer

what im wondering is, the bot seems to have so little feedback reading from the client and have to resort to timer based behaviour, for instance :


 selecting waypoint normal > act1 > mudflats : the bot dont know wether the client is allready loading or not, it kept clicking normal > act1 > mudflats > normal > act1 > mudflats over and over again until the client properly load the map. altho in the end the bot did know if a proper map is load / not


now im not a programmer, but i notice that the bot Does have a reading capability, like Aura, i dont know what the bot reads (memory ? pixel?) but the bot can decide if an aura is On or Off


now im thinking cant the same principle applied to cursor ? as to read wether theres an item or not on the cursor

ps: this item stuck on cursor bug is also an infinite loop, the bot cannot resolve on how to release the item from cursor, and would just be doing infinite relog

reading from the improvement note on 0.14g

Fixed bug when bot tries to pick an item while inventory is full (resulting in an annoying boring f*****g infinite loop/crash).

i think this bug warrants the developer attention



just my 2 cent


other bug still at large

- running back and forth cannot decide wether to explore or loot

- closing client when doing chicken


new bug not on 0.14f

- stashing main scroll stack when it hit max number on settings ie: 40 (not a big deal tho this one)

Edited by hamncheese

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If you're having the aura loop on/off bug try adding a cooldown to the auras. Something like 90,000 ms.

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Guest BloodyBeast

So let's all play POE on Pentium II !!!
I have a low memoy / CPU VM without any "underground" stuff and it works like a charm...

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  On 1/28/2014 at 8:00 PM, Walt said:

If you're having the aura loop on/off bug try adding a cooldown to the auras. Something like 90,000 ms.


i dont have the aura loop on/off bug

what i said is



  On 1/28/2014 at 6:06 PM, hamncheese said:


now im not a programmer, but i notice that the bot Does have a reading capability, like Aura, i dont know what the bot reads (memory ? pixel?) but the bot can decide if an aura is On or Off

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  On 1/28/2014 at 10:51 PM, BloodyBeast said:

So let's all play POE on Pentium II !!!

I have a low memoy / CPU VM without any "underground" stuff and it works like a charm...

altho its a silly idea, i know i can play world of warcraft on my ancient laptop and i think it pentium 3

my point is

rather than demanding the hardware so the bot can run smoothly

because when the bot meet with a lag it will bugged out

why not make the bot to read feedback from client for this mouse cursor problem

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  On 1/28/2014 at 6:06 PM, hamncheese said:


now im not a programmer, but i notice that the bot Does have a reading capability, like Aura, i dont know what the bot reads (memory ? pixel?) but the bot can decide if an aura is On or Off


now im thinking cant the same principle applied to cursor ? as to read wether theres an item or not on the cursor

ps: this item stuck on cursor bug is also an infinite loop, the bot cannot resolve on how to release the item from cursor, and would just be doing infinite relog

reading from the improvement note on 0.14g

Fixed bug when bot tries to pick an item while inventory is full (resulting in an annoying boring f*****g infinite loop/crash).

i think this bug warrants the developer attention



like i stated in my provious post, since this bug can be categorized to an "infinite" loop i think this bug needs the developer attention

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the item loot loop really need fix with next version , that shits happening like every 15-20 mins

Edited by darky13

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  On 1/29/2014 at 4:08 AM, hamncheese said:

like i stated in my provious post, since this bug can be categorized to an "infinite" loop i think this bug needs the developer attention


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  On 1/29/2014 at 8:45 AM, darky13 said:

the item loot loop really need fix with next version , that shits happening like every 15-20 mins

thank you for acknowledging this problem

what do u guys think if we make a list of bug with vote on it, so everyone can vote on their most annoying bug

and the bug with most ppl having them would be on top of the list

so the Developer can have a kind of To Do List with priority ?

Edited by hamncheese

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