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smart pickit modindex issue

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Modindex in pickit do not work for me,


[Type] == "Strapped Mitts" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [1083] >= "775" && [stashItem] == "true" //High roll facebreakers


He will simply keep any facebreakers. 



[Type] == "Two-Stone Ring" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [1919] == "16"


Picks up any two-stone ring it finds.


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This is an old thread, but it's the first hit for a Google search of "modindex poe" so I want to provide an answer for future viewers. This didn't work because the syntax is wrong.


[Type] == "Strapped Mitts" && [Rarity] == "Unique" && [1083] >= "775"             // Facebreaker


This will stash Facebreakers. With unarmed damage higher than 774%. All others will be vendored. It is not required to add the # [stashItem] == "true" at the end, because by defining the unique, you automatically flag it for stashing.


As for the "Two-Stone Ring", I tried about a dozen different options, and while I can make it keep all two-stone rings, I don't see any way to make it keep rings with only X% resists.

Edited by Omegabare

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May I also add that there must be # before checking for mods, not &&.

General rule: before # is what bot picks up. After # is what bot looks at after item is identified.


At least I was told so :)

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