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0.14f loot problem running back and forth endlessly until relogs

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this bug is the single most annoying bug in my opinion.




Bot cannot decide wether to move to Point A or Point B

and repeatedly clicking point A and B endlessly until timer kicks in and relogs the bot

i have never really timed it but is around 15 mins ?


why this is the most annoying bug ?

because i caught more than once when bot was relogging due to this bug and the bot was leaving good loot (unique, chaos, i even saw once it left GCP on the ground) and when bot came back and make new instance well the loot is gone

so im thinking just how many the bot was actually throwing away due bug, not to mention the wasting of time for the relog to kicks in and the wasting time for the poe client to reload


im guessing

Point A : bot is trying to explore

im guessing that because this happens almost always when theres never any mob around, if theres a mob like in the screenshot, bot would kill mob, and return to his dance between point A and B.

i have made sure that i dont have Skills settings with a large distance, all my skills settings distance are 200 including aura, so im pretty sure theres no skills with extra large distance thats triggers when looking for mob outside the screen


Point B : bot is trying to loot, scroll of wisdom on red circle

this only happens whenever theres a loot and the bot was clearing area around that loot, if he clears out to certain distance this bug would happen


so to my observation it looks like the bot have the same priority for Exploring and Looting (running back)

several solution ive tried :

apwkid gave some solution





3. Bot running back and forth - pathing stuck

Solution: I actually resolved this bug partially myself. The bot usually gets stuck due to being unable to decide if it should go after an item or fight a mob on the other side or between two items and it just goes nuts back and forth because it cant decide which path is shorter. I have eliminated about 70% of these stuck errors by reducing safe range to 100 instead of 400 and setting Chest range to 400 instead of 600. Keep in mind that this means the bot needs to be tanky enough to wade through a mob of monsters picking up items without dying but it eliminates the need for the bot to path its way back to an item that it skipped because it was fighting a long chain of monster mobs.


Solution: You could probably fix all these bugs entirely by making the bot stick to its original pathing decision unless the original decision becomes impossible. The bot already exits pathing for combat so that isnt a concern.


Solution: Allow users to set a travel or movement skill. If the bot leap slams everywhere it wont be getting stuck on ledges, ramps, or mysteriously unbreakable pots blocking paths (happens in docks a lot)


i tried his method but to no avail i still get this bug very often often something like 1 bug every 2 maps


what i think would be an ideal solution :


Looting should always have higher priority over



after all user can allready set their prefered distance to clear out mob from Loot


PS : i tried the bot without using Smart Pickit and this bug never happen, altho i only used it around 8 hours or so, since the default Loot behaviour can only Loot Rares and Stash it, so bot would easily fill up the stash, hence why i got back to Smart Pickit.

This has happen to me since

Exiledbot ver 0.14e


I really hope someone have a solution for this or temporary fix

thank you for anyone reading my post

Edited by hamncheese

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happens still "often", and run is screwed until max time is up.


I really hope someone have a solution for this or temporary fix

thank you for anyone reading my post

there probably is not a temp solution, other than waiting for the devs to work on the issue. patience is virtue, i guess the dev's are aware about most issues already ;)

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Yep happens to me as well, I dont remember this stuff happening before, like a few build ago? I thought it was something I may have changed in settings but it seems more people are having this issue, its deffinitely a conflict between the bot trying to loot something and moving onward to explore and kill more monsters, devs please have a look.


Can someone check which of the older versions dont do this? I think it's the 1.14d that's fine not sure

Edited by roneo1234

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Yeah big already known issue here.

I'm working on a good way to fix it for some time already and I've know some ideas, but that's not simple stuff.


On my computer I don't see it ocuring that much and I don't think that I loss a lot of items this way.

Indeed, it happens much more with chests and monsters than items.


Fixing that bug and tabs handling are going to be the key for a safe and efficient map farming implementation.

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Yeah big already known issue here.

I'm working on a good way to fix it for some time already and I've know some ideas, but that's not simple stuff.


On my computer I don't see it ocuring that much and I don't think that I loss a lot of items this way.

Indeed, it happens much more with chests and monsters than items.


Fixing that bug and tabs handling are going to be the key for a safe and efficient map farming implementation.

thank you for noticing this problem

crossing my fingers for the next version :)


PS: ive manage to reproduce this several times :

- look for a big or rather a long chain of mob

- throw some rares

- start bot (f12)


and the bug kick in (several times, not always)

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Yep happens to me as well, I dont remember this stuff happening before, like a few build ago? I thought it was something I may have changed in settings but it seems more people are having this issue, its deffinitely a conflict between the bot trying to loot something and moving onward to explore and kill more monsters, devs please have a look.


Can someone check which of the older versions dont do this? I think it's the 1.14d that's fine not sure

hmm o thought the old version wont work because of the offset.

i dont have the guts to tried it in case something went wrong and GGG can sniff the old version bot

anyone up for the task ? lol

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Exiledbot 0.14f

after further observation im guessing this is the bot AI and how it affected by this bug

1. bot kills mob

2. if mob drops no Loot

3. bot Explore


what actually happen when the bug occur


1. bot kills mob

2. Lag (from hardware/connection) -- mob drops loot

** at this point the bot has already decided that there is no Loot, and move on to Exploring

** but somewhere in the program bot botices theres a Loot, and the command to pickup loot kicks in

3. bot cannot decide wether to Loot or Explore


this happens even not on VM

with a system of Quadcore cpu and 8gb ram, with latency 100-200


so, again, what i think would be an ideal solution, Loot always have higher priority over Explore

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Dont know if this still is an issue for people but I found a solution for it. Its the kite settings that is the problem, so in combat, press no for kiting. Then on ur skill 1,2,3 etc, there is a minimum and max distance of attack, u file in 10 as min and whatever u like on max, i have 40 on maximum. This should do the trick, it works great for me now

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