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occasional problem auto identifying with Scroll of Wisdom

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sometimes, when using Smart Pickit's auto identify feature, the following occurs


1.  It right clicks a scroll of wisdom

2.  BEFORE the scroll of wisdom "sticks" to the mouse pointer, it moves to identify an item

3.  The item to be identified incorrectly becomes selected, and IT sticks to the pointer

4.  The bot continues about its business trying to identify other things.  


Since the stashing/selling/ID'ing process doesn't seem to recognize the state of whether something is stuck the the pointer, it is actually moving things around in your inventory.   And then selling the wrong things.



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sometimes, when using Smart Pickit's auto identify feature, the following occurs


1.  It right clicks a scroll of wisdom

2.  BEFORE the scroll of wisdom "sticks" to the mouse pointer, it moves to identify an item

3.  The item to be identified incorrectly becomes selected, and IT sticks to the pointer

4.  The bot continues about its business trying to identify other things.  


Since the stashing/selling/ID'ing process doesn't seem to recognize the state of whether something is stuck the the pointer, it is actually moving things around in your inventory.   And then selling the wrong things.

It's a known issue, the devs are aware of it they are looking into it it's an old issue

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Has anyone found a fix for that? I have the same issue, I suspect it's due to the lag and the delays set in between the scroll click-cursor moving to item, if anybody could set a delay of like 1 second in between each.. Im sure it would fix it.

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So there is a simple fix for this which I think should be highlighted somewhere, it is opening your system.ini, lowering the clicks per seconds from 10 to 5 (should be the first line up in there).

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