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what really should be done yestarday!

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1. when the inventory mess will be fixed?


; How many slot remaining need to consider inventory full ??

even this option not working. i tryed to tune it up, to make bot use tp to town but bot ignoring any changes. Real strange is why the idle timer (this one when u not killing mobs for a while) not working when bot trying to pick item with full inventory? He is already stuck why he not tp and just keep fliping this item till the run_max_time meet or till it crash? This bug is so annoing ive tired asking to fix this. This is so easy just make bot to clean all inventory (except of 2stacks of scrolls or whatever u set to keep) before run new instance it will decrease the numbers of full inventory loop at least for  50% or even more. I reported about this around month ago in Exiled Bot RC Issues and Bug Report Topic   and http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/729-upcoming-features-please-answer-this-poll/page-5#entry9892 but nothing change...


2. When bot will be able to stop going back and forward between loot/stash and his waypoint? I am not programmer but i cant believe that priority of bot logic in this case so hard to fix. How this loop uppear? Bot killing staff, bot chaining kills and moving till area is clear(even with safe range 190 this happen all the way) but he left loot behind. Ok zone clear bot trying to go back to pick up loot or to open chest, he making few steps and same time he want to go further in to map exploring to next waypoing check. And he we go bot like crazy going back and forward till idle time meet and he tp out - all loot staying on the floor. Recently i almost lose alfa helm this way and god know how many nice things he didnt pick because of that bug.


I really hope that devs take two of this issue in top of they priority list. This is really important


sorry for my engrish :oops:

Edited by mbxnir

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kinda agree, i rather see these fixed instead of already adding catacombs or map support. apart from the stability issues both are way more important and should be rather high on the to-do-list.


the 1. issue/problem is even worse with more quality & quantity imo.

Edited by stef

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I set my slots_remaining_number_fullinv even higher and still encounter that problem from time to time but with 25 free slots it happens once every 72h and thats something i can almost live with.

i set to even 30-35 but he ignoring this dont know why.


Thanks for reporting.

2) Bot is configured to keep 10 slots used in inventory while stashing. I know it's weird but it works, my char is never full inv.


this is so .... dont know how to call it... Alkpone u need to boting more then on 1 char and try to put on ur bot some items with iiq and iir. with 60-65iiq and 100-150iir im gettin full inventory at least 1 time in 1-1,5hour on each of my bots. Almost every run if bot meet exile this run will be end with full inventory. And if we all telling u that this issue is exist u dont believe us? What point to us LIE? Trust me i have thing to do except typing on foregn language wich i barrely knew.

i dont know how u watch this but bot not stash all items and running new instance - this is going straign to full inventory. bot is configures to keep 10slots? Why is such a problem to reconfigure it keep 2-4 slots instead? Who and why need TEN slots? Anyone need here 10 slots? I dont see anyone asking u to keep 10 slots but i see ppl who consistently asking u change it to let bot keep only scrolls and nothing else Edited by mbxnir

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1. when the inventory mess will be fixed?


; How many slot remaining need to consider inventory full ??


this option not working. 


Yeah, bot stashing every run HAS to be fixed ASAP. 

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Devs, if this issue really is as bad as the previous posters are commenting about it needs to be fixed immediately!!!


I tend to not really have this issue, but I really don't run any IIQ/IIR on my bots. However, this needs to be fixed on the next bot update and we should NOT have to wait until GGG releases the next patch for PoE. The bot is great and the devs are awesome, but I think the community has spoken on this issue. It needs fixed.

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I set my slots_remaining_number_fullinv even higher and still encounter that problem from time to time but with 25 free slots it happens once every 72h and thats something i can almost live with.

; How many slot remaining need to consider inventory full ??


If u didnt keep an eye on Bot all this time (72h)  we cant use this 

Edited by metaxer

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i like the feedback from devs on this thread. gj/sarcasm off/ this is sad :(

guess they have to rewrite the whole stashing part. it seems that the bot stashes the items he picked up during the runs (three 1x1 items -> stashing 3 times).

the problem is that he has additional stuff in the inventory from selling rares.

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the issue is still very annoying, because the bot has less inventory to operate with after a couple of runs. the bot isn't stashing things he got back from selling to the npc.



if thats the inventory, sometimes u have stuff where the O is, which is never gonna get stashed. that gonna takes away 2 till 4 x rows of space effectively.







that way its not surprising that the bot is often full during a run for people with much quantity and rarity.

Edited by stef

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My bot crashes everyday because of hes trying to loot with a full inventory. Its been 2 months this bug occurs.

I dont remember a successfull 24 hours botting without a crash.


I think this issue should be fixed before anything, its pretty annoying.

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I agree that this is the first shit to fix.

And I'm already working on it.


I didn't see that post, hope that everybody is feeling better now :)

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I agree that this is the first shit to fix.

And I'm already working on it.


I didn't see that post, hope that everybody is feeling better now :)

ive got a boner when read ur comment here :mrgreen: hope we will see fix in next patch

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It's a pain in the ass to dev, I have to change all my (crappy) inventory management code. That's why I kept it for after all the nice minor tweaks I made last days.

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I set my slots_remaining_number_fullinv even higher and still encounter that problem from time to time but with 25 free slots it happens once every 72h and thats something i can almost live with.

; How many slot remaining need to consider inventory full ??



I have drawn attention in a total of 3 posts on this issue already on 25th November 2013:

  • first posting: Answered to a posting regarding this issue.
  • second posting: Created an own topic for that issue and even created a video about the problem. Unfortunately it was called out merely that no errors were seen. Also very nice was that "lol" at the end of Alk's contribution.

The only thing you'll get to hear ia that the bot reserves 10 slots while stashing, that this sounds weird but it works...



Dear Devs, don't get me wrong, you have done a great job so far. Your Bot can be called "currently undetactable" justifiably! But with such "trifles" as the problem discussed here, you instantly  batten down the hatches. Only throwing us a few crumbs out alà "Bot is configured to keep 10 slots used in inventory while stashing. I know it's weird but it works". And so you're done, not even considering the suggestions made ​​here in the forum, like manually stashing all items from right to left insted of the way you do it since this feature got released (stashing from the left to the right)! Stashing all items from the right side first and continue to the left easily would fix the complete problem without even touching the "10 slots keep used"!


Again, this should in no way sound harsh but there is obviously a problem with stashing items from the inventory to the bank...

wholeheartedly agree with similar "lol" comment

altho i didnt receive actually "lol"

i did get the

"nothing is wrong with the bot its your VM or connection"

i was complaining a bit in the shoutbox about the

- item stuck on cursor - bug

yes i know that hardware lag and or latency lag does affect how frequent this bug pops up

nevertheless theres quite a lot of ppl complaining about this bug

what i dont like is the

"its not my fault its your crappy stuff" response

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I recently upgraded my ram on my laptop from 4gb to 20gb, and I can say that bugs like an item getting stuck on the cursor have decreased significantly.  But it still happens, even if less, and there should be safeguard checks in place for things like this so the bot doesn't get stuck.  And I experience close to zero latency/fps issues now.

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