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[Need Help]- Blood Rage script

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if somebody has a problem with bloodrage try these settings:



i'm using Bloodrage for my duallist aswell, but i am activating it directly through EB!


Did you try the following skill configuration:


Key: hotkey for BR

Cooldown: 12000

Priority: 9

Max distance: 550

Min. distance: 0


leave the other options as default.


This is working perfectly for me... maybe this can already fix your problem.









can someone write me a blood rage script? i tried it minimum 3 hours .


Menu, Tray, Icon, bloodrage.bmp
loop {
IfWinActive, Path of Exile
ImageSearch, posx, posy, 5, 25, 210, 60, *30 hatred.bmp ; 
If Errorlevel = 1
Sleep 200
ImageSearch, posx, posy, 5, 25, 210, 60, *30 eye.bmp
If Errorlevel = 0
Sleep 200
    Send {Q}
Sleep 5000

( i think its obvious that the code is copy and pasted ^^. thanks for sharing TO again)
i dont understand why its not sending q right.
i want that the script send q after releasing aura or releasing quicksilver movement flask. 
any ideas?
would be very nice if someone could help me
my problem is now fixed. thanks to stef and immo
Edited by dasnon

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its kinda difficult to say what's exactly wrong. my bet is, that the coords are wrong or the pic of the aura isn't the same as your poe.


5, 25 are the coords of the upper left corner & 210, 60 are the lower right corner. both coords are giving you a rectangle (area) where the script is checking if the pics could be found.

to create your own pics/screenhot, just make a screenshot, zoom and cut out only the pic of the bloodrage aura. save it as *.bmp into the same folder as your script.

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thanks stef.

i run three araus 

+ two icons appears of the movement speed increase. maybe thats the problem. the pics i made i would say are 100% correct

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use AutoIt3 Window Spy for the right coords ;)


the coords under "In Active Window" are relevant here

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im not sure if its working now.

i expand the searching window,


do you know if AHK is confused when searching with the two different script the same picture? i seperated now the two ordners and now it seems to work


EDIT: doesnt work, see post below

Edited by dasnon

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Menu, Tray, Icon, bloodrage.bmp


loop {


IfWinActive, Path of Exile




ImageSearch, posx, posy, 7, 28, 247, 65, *30 hatred.png ; 

If Errorlevel = 1

Sleep 500



ImageSearch, posx, posy, 5, 25, 210, 71, *30 eye.bmp

If Errorlevel = 0

Sleep 500



    Send {E}

Sleep 20000












Please can someone test this???

I have now minimum spend 5 hours and it doesnt work ....




Edited by dasnon

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i think i discovered the problem ....:

AHK doesnt send normal Keys well becaus of bot is in permanent aciton. if im in the air the ahk script doesnt recognise it...

will try it with better skill setup


thanks for your help




both scripts cant get worked at same time...

if I make 

send E 

send E 

send E


bloodrage will be activated but quicksilver flask wont ....


any ideas?

would it be better to combine quicksilver and bloodrage in the same ahk file? is that possible?

Edited by dasnon

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