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[rumor?] drop rate poe script?

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hi to all of you,


i am a new member, introduced myself another thread. i got an interesting thing yesterday on the poe  tradechat as i have written to another dude.


he said:


he has a script, that manipulate the droprate so that he is garanted to (x) chaos orbs in maybe 10 min.



i laughed at him, because such a script will definitve destroy eco of the game, and i dont think this one can really be happen.


then he give me 40 chaos as present and sent me smilly ...




what do you think about any scripts for droprates??

Edited by xscimitar

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Theoretically it is possible... You would essentially need to send malicious packets to the PoE server, which have specific instructions to increase the drop rate of the instance you are in. However this would require not only proffesional knowledge of networking, and programming, it would also require an intimate knowledge of the server protocalls, authentication methods, and security methods.


So if he's telling the truth, he or someone he knows has

- Hacked the PoE server

- penetrated and analyzed the entire server (which could take a long time, which means he was undetected for a long time)

- found which variables and functions are used for calculating drop rates for a given zone

- found how new Zone ID's are created, and where the information for said function/s comes from.

- Wrote a packet with specific instructions to change said data, while ensuring the packet would not be detected by any security method (very hard)

- Wrote a script which would intercept outgoing packets, and replace specific packets with the self written ones


His boast is either entirely bs, or he or someone he knows is an extremely experienced hacker, or has high level connections in GGG.

Edited by Jarvis101

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ty for your statement.... as i said i even din not believed that also.. i am on my way to get sharing of his used tools/scripts.. if i got news i will share here :)

Edited by xscimitar

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What if someone found a simple exploit for the way the server handles IIQ mods on gear or gems?  Like old D2 aura stacking.  Simple buffer underrun.  You would need nothing more than a simple misclick or accidental sequence of events to figure it out. 


IE: Weapon switch after last hitting a mob with IIQ gemmed skill, maybe IIQ gets locked.  Change to next weapon with IIQ gem and it stacks.  Rinse and repeat, etc.  You can very easily conclude if you have a significantly increased drop rates with emperical data alone. 


It's obvious that this claim is bullshit, but don't convince yourself that it requires a lot of skill to find useful exploits.  It's more commonly just playing around with simple in-game mechanics than it is finding targetted exploits (in my experience). 

Edited by whatisthismagic

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D2 time is long ago. things got quite more complex nowadays ;)


ofc u can find it by mistake. but its kinda what jarvis said.

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