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Paying 10$ to whom fixes my smart pickit

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I am having issues for a few days, I can't get my smart pickit to work.

So I am willing to pay 10$ to whoever fixes it, explains to me where was the issue and is willing to help me again in case it "breaks down".


My exact conditions are:

If you are an Exiled Bot support - I can provide you with Team Viewer Access.

However if you aren't - I can not do that. - trust / privacy issues.


If you are an Exiled Bot support - I can pay you the 10$ via PayPal.

However if you aren't - I can pay you with in-game currency worth 10$. - trust / privacy issues.


The exact situation with the bot/pickit is that:

The bot works flawlessly with 2 characters/profiles, however the other's stash all of the rares, don't vendor at all.

I tried using the working character's profiles on the other ones - they don't want to work that way as well.

Tried to copy all the files, copy the profile, just change it - everything that could've came to my mind.

I evem reinstalled the VM with a fresh windows, fresh bot - same thing  the pickit doesn't want to work, however it still works for 2 characters so I know it can work!


If you want to help / earn some "easy" (maybe) money - PM me your skype.

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Guest BloodyBeast

Stashing everything means....he doesn't understand any of the lines into the pickit file so :


1 - the file doesn't exist : if you checked it, go to step 2.
2 - the files permission deny the bot to read the file : if not, go to step 3.
3 - there's maybe an issue with the way the bot select the pickit file from the 2nd folder.

If not, i can try to check really quick what's happening tonight ( in around 5 hours )

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no no no....we tried with the pickit....believe me bro...we tried


i think its his settigns or something...your free to pull your hair out if you like :D

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did you try running bot as admin? I had the same prob. with mine, a few worked well and others didn't. I run all as admin now and they all work fine.

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which act ur botting?


had the same problem. wasnt selling due to the fact, that the clarissa npc isnt available if ur at act3 without any quests done. shes still in the slums.


u also have to adjust the coordinate "npc_sell_button_y_clarissa" in the coordinates.ini file.

the problem is, that the position to open the selling window at the npc depends on the quests u alrdy did.

i took 70 as a value for no quests done except the one to get clarissa into town. if u got a few more quests u need to get a higher value.

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