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Need some help with the bot

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I am new to botting I was just wondering If I could get some assistance in setting up the bot and how to make it do its thing. I am playing a scion in NEM going with a Spectral Throw build. I need some help setting up the skills and understanding how the bot works. I am totally new to using bots.

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Is there a way someone could show me screenshots of the exile bot of the pages if I just want to use spec throw on right click bot farming with a hp flask, clarity aura middle mouse button and the mouse leftclick to on move only. I have been playing around with this for a while now and the only thing that happens is When I turn the bot on it just makes my character move down right and it resets my mouse in the direction whenever i try and move it.

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I was wondering how to get my bot to loot any orbs other then alteration?
He runs right past any orb and only picks up alterations(with default pickit enabled)...
If default pickit isnt enabled he runs past any orb+ whetstones,bauble+ everything. 
Driving me a little crazy 

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