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Bug, Feature Req, Questions

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Hi guys,


First of all great job. 


However, i think it would be good to improve a few things.


-Some 5S4L items are recognized as 5L (there is another thread for this actually)

-Pathfinding AI could be better. Sometimes it just stuck over some barricades (ex: docks). It goes just a few steps top, then a few steps down, then again top, down etc..

-Also recognizing map boundaries should be improved. It goes some places where it is already discovered (no mobs)

-It can get stuck when it finds a path but there is a "barrel etc". It should destroy those if possible. If not, should find another way. 

-Opening chests

-Stashing is bugged (a kind of). I set use stash 2. But it uses 5. tab which is named "C".

Stash names: 1,2,3,4,C, etc..

-Setting stash name(s) would be really good. If not, the order of stashs. (also support for multiple would be really good)


Also about smart picking

-Min gem quality is bugged, doesnt work. (used min quality as 1)


And also I have a question about smart picking:


[sockets] == "6" && [Linked] <= "4" # [sellUnid] == "true"

[Rarity] == "Unique" # [stashItem] == "true"


Assume, we got an an unique with 6S4L.


Does "StashItem" have a precedence over "SellUnid"?


If not, it should have.


However if it doesnt have a such precedence currently, what will happen?


I guess "order of instruction" is important. Is "later" one override the "previous? or vice versa?


Thx for your time.

Edited by radi55

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Guest BloodyBeast

Hi guys,


First of all great job. 


However, i think it would be good to improve a few things.


-Some 5S4L items are recognized as 5L (there is another thread for this actually)

-Pathfinding AI could be better. Sometimes it just stuck over some barricades (ex: docks). It goes just a few steps top, then a few steps down, then again top, down etc..

-Also recognizing map boundaries should be improved. It goes some places where it is already discovered (no mobs)

-It can get stuck when it finds a path but there is a "barrel etc". It should destroy those if possible. If not, should find another way. 

-Opening chests

-Stashing is bugged (a kind of). I set use stash 2. But it uses 5. tab which is named "C".

Stash names: 1,2,3,4,C, etc..

-Setting stash name(s) would be really good. If not, the order of stashs. (also support for multiple would be really good)


Also about smart picking

-Min gem quality is bugged, doesnt work. (used min quality as 1)


And also I have a question about smart picking:


[sockets] == "6" && [Linked] <= "4" # [sellUnid] == "true"

[Rarity] == "Unique" # [stashItem] == "true"


Assume, we got an an unique with 6S4L.


Does "StashItem" have a precedence over "SellUnid"?


If not, it should have.


However if it doesnt have a such precedence currently, what will happen?


I guess "order of instruction" is important. Is "later" one override the "previous? or vice versa?


Thx for your time.

Hey, thanks for pointing at those things, i'll try to explain you some of the problems we face or what's going on with those things.


-Some 5S4L items are recognized as 5L

--> Never happened to me, so the item matches another rule into your pickit maybe ?


-Pathfinding AI could be better. Sometimes it just stuck over some barricades (ex: docks). It goes just a few steps top, then a few steps down, then again top, down etc..

--> Yes, we have to improve the item destruction objects but keep in mind it's a looooot of shits to find...because you have different stuff to destroy in every map.

--> Also the going up and down is because of a bugged pointer into the game's memory : sorry until GGG fixes that problem we can't solve it or maybe we can search for a way to "temporary patch" the problem.


-Also recognizing map boundaries should be improved. It goes some places where it is already discovered (no mobs)

--> Doing this would dramatically increase the ressources used by the bot since it would have to change the path to explore the map everytime it discovers a new map cell.

--> My advices for that is to reduce de map exploration %, that way you recreate a instance earlier and you don't walk back on empty spaces and reduce the idle time.


-It can get stuck when it finds a path but there is a "barrel etc". It should destroy those if possible. If not, should find another way. 

--> That could be implemented, but again, detecting every destructible object on the map and for all the different maps is a long process...


-Opening chests

--> Already implemented, works like a charm.


-Stashing is bugged (a kind of). I set use stash 2. But it uses 5. tab which is named "C".

--> It's not bugged, but we have to work on this feature. Our current problem is that depending on how many stash tabs you have the width of the tab's title changes.

--> One of the fix we found would be to use the wheel scroll to go from a tab to another (this should be implemented after new year etc...lots of family stuff etc..during christmas and new year)

-Setting stash name(s) would be really good. If not, the order of stashs. (also support for multiple would be really good)

--> That's an idea however finding the stash's info on the memory is a pain in the ass. As i said above the easiest way it to count the number of tabs and go from the 1st to the Xth page using the mouse wheel.

--> Detecting if the tab is full is also something which is possible to do, let's say that we have to check if the item is still into the inventory after we ctrl+click it to send it to the stash means it's full....so we have to swap.


-Min gem quality is bugged, doesnt work. (used min quality as 1)

--> Sorry but this function is working really really well, i think you don't use it properly.

--> You can set the gem quality to let's say 1% to loot ALL gems with 1% quality or more, then when you enable the smart pickit, you can ask him to loot other non quality gems such as multistrike, reduced mana etc...

--> This one i can tell you it works 100% as intended.


-Does "StashItem" have a precedence over "SellUnid"?

--> Yes, if an item matches let's say 2 rules : one which is supposed to stash the item and the other one which is supposed to sell it, the bot will stash the item no matter which one is the 1st one to be detected.



I hope i answered your questions, if you still have some doubts, feel free to write here ;)

I'll try to have a look at this post when i have some free time.

Have fun botting ;)

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