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Stashing issues

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So I use the standard bot version, and find that if I enable stashing, that when it comes time for the bot to stash some currency, it occasionally seems to do a CTRL-click, but gets stuck. The item gets stuck on the cursor, and it seems to click in a space between the stash tab and the inventory, as though I was trying to drop the item in town. The result is a constant window saying "do you want to destroy or keep the item". This persists until I check on the bot and remove that window. 


Is there a timing issue where the bot just doesn't have enough time to stash the item, or is it some offset issue? Help appreciated, as I am essentially unable to enable stashing. Thanks in advance.


Also, I use immo's auto-flask script, but this shouldnt matter since it is disabled in town. (although others have noted issues with stashing with auto-flask scripts)

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very annoying. no afk botting possible

also use immos autoflask. dont know if its connected

Edited by dasnon

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I have this issue since v 0.14  like 7+times a day, very annyoing since relog wont fix this and you have to do it manually.

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I have this issue since v 0.14  like 7+times a day, very annyoing since relog wont fix this and you have to do it manually.

can confirm this :/


its way worse than before. before it never happened or very rarely when u have a lagspike. but now it seems to happen even without lag. really weird & a major issue right now.

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yeah but lagspike is not the only factor.

i noticed that the quicksilver script also triggers the same problem when it continuously using the flask eventho in-town.

So any script that runs(sending an input) while in-town may disrupted the ctrl+clicking on stashing items and only the click input were send(without the ctrl), hence the item stuck on the cursor in the first place.


we know for sure theres no problem with the clicking just that it was sent without the ctrl due to lag/ahk script.

maybe a script that hold down ctrl key (just when the stash is open and release it when it close) can fix such issues?


do correct me if im wrong :|

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yeah but lagspike is not the only factor.

i noticed that the quicksilver script also triggers the same problem when it continuously using the flask eventho in-town.

So any script that runs(sending an input) while in-town may disrupted the ctrl+clicking on stashing items and only the click input were send(without the ctrl), hence the item stuck on the cursor in the first place.


we know for sure theres no problem with the clicking just that it was sent without the ctrl due to lag/ahk script.

maybe a script that hold down ctrl key (just when the stash is open and release it when it close) can fix such issues?


do correct me if im wrong :|


This is EXACTLY what is happening on my end, same setup. I can only assume it's the bot constantly spamming the quicksilver since it is sitting above 40 charges that is occaionally causing this. I hope it can be fixed or a Quicksilver update is added to EB as that is the ONLY feature I use from that autoscript of guruds.


Subscribing for some input from Devs hopefully.

Edited by throbbincobb

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