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Bot will loop forever at Skeletal Shrine

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So.. as the title says.. the bot will loop forever when it finds a Skeletal Shrine.


I think even if it picks the shrine.. it stills tries to attack the friend minions. Thats what I have noticed.


Can you people check on it too? This is a serious pattern... especially if u have the bot not pick up shrines etc etc

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Thing to be said next, but the last time: bot has problem with targeting minions. It will try to attack minions, so - skeletons shrine will block him for a while. The best option is to use proper idle time or use "no shrines".

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Thing to be said next, but the last time: bot has problem with targeting minions. It will try to attack minions, so - skeletons shrine will block him for a while. The best option is to use proper idle time or use "no shrines".

Well not using the idle option doesnt change anything..


because the bot cannot understand that the shrine will spawn skeletos for ever.. so it stays there and attacks skeletons for ever.


In both cases I think the bot is not considered to be idle so it will never logout. (I think so)

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Well not using the idle option doesnt change anything..


because the bot cannot understand that the shrine will spawn skeletos for ever.. so it stays there and attacks skeletons for ever.


In both cases I think the bot is not considered to be idle so it will never logout. (I think so)

well, max run time helps this case


if it reaches that point the bot will log out

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well, max run time helps this case


if it reaches that point the bot will log out

Yes.. but by then it is already too late.. this is a huge clue and can be detected.


A human being would not loop going around the same place for such a huge amount of time.

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