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Source code

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Hi! I got a question. Are autors of the bot planning to open a source code? It will be good for some people so they can improve mod by themselves. If autors don't want to do this, can they just explain a bit about technology using by this bot, about his "communication" with game. Thatnks! And sorry for my english

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Hi Eugen, welcome on the Exiled Bot forum!

No, sharing source code is not planned.

About the technology we are using to communicate with the game : ReadProcessMemory function (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 53(v=vs.85).aspx) is our best friend to read game informations.

To send key and mouse clicks we are using basic msdn stuff (SendInput).

And for the AI, we are using a Finite State Machine pattern.

The rest is simple C++ POO architecture.

Dunno if my answer is very clear, anyway, feel free to ask if you didn't understand :P

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Thanks for information :) But i got 1 more question: how do you locate mobs and loot? It is not difficult to read player's hp, but how do you read mob position?

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Various options : First I used a debugger to read the eax register value when a specific instruction was executed, which gave me the pointer address of any monster parsed by the packet receiver. Then I did the same with Detours.

Finally I manage to read them directly from memory, but both above methods are a lot easier as they don't need a lot of reverse engineering once you got the instruction you want.

You should start there : http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/pat ... t-mob.html

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This bot need many small fixes. It is sad that you don't want to show source code. I really want to improve bot so i can use it without troubles. But maybe you need a developer? :)

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Lol no need to be aggressive, Eugen is just wanting to help and that's very kind.

At the moment, the team has enough developers.

If you want to help, you can work with the different people making some scripts and tools for the bot, like Shrek.

If you need some help understanding some aspects of a bot development, feel free to ask, but take in note that my knowledge is pretty limited as I'm still learning a lot of stuff by doing it.

And stay tuned, in the future we may need for more developers working on the source of Exiled Bot.

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Ofc i dont know how to read memory. I am not good programmer cause my main profession is game designer. I just wanted to help cause i am afraid if i post all mod troubles here, you will not fix it :) That is sad that i cannot help you developing bot :(

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No. 3D stuff and UI are drawing artists, but game gesigners design whole game, how it will look and work. They invent and design the game

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i think posting here fit to topic:

I am trying to learn to make a bot:

I searched last days for the life of the enemys in POE.

Do you guys use some of this adresses ?

Writes to life of enemys

015CE628 - 89 47 14 - mov [edi+14],eax

Acess to life of enemys

015CE538 - 83 7E 14 00 - cmp dword ptr [esi+14],00 Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE5F3 - 8B 6F 14 - mov ebp,[edi+14] Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE628 - 89 47 14 - mov [edi+14],eax Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE65A - 39 6F 14 - cmp [edi+14],ebp Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE678 - 39 6F 14 - cmp [edi+14],ebp Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE684 - 39 47 14 - cmp [edi+14],eax Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE697 - 8B 47 14 - mov eax,[edi+14] Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

015CE550 - 83 7E 14 00 - cmp dword ptr [esi+14],00 Hit Enemy = Adress of Enemy Hit me Adress of my life

I tested and i get my life or by hit the adress from the enemy, but i dont found right now the right way to use it.

But that was my doing today, tomorrow i ll try more.

I am a learner and maybe you can tell me how you found the enemy base ..

tomorrow i ll test you bot.

For me ist learning more important then botting.


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Thanks for sharing your work! :)

I can't answer the question myself, because I'm not in the development team, but time ago I found a link, which could be helpful to you:

Some structures and static pointers - http://www.blizzhackers.cc/viewtopic.php?f=245&t=495162&sid=f2e1578518d5bc797e3afed449207620

Perhaps it's helpful for the devs too. Could have posted it earlier, but I thought they surely already know.. :mrgreen:

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Hi hi! Just a stranger dropping by. Played PoE a year back, havn't gotten back in quite yet... I'm almost done with college so I've been looking for a game with a decent hacking community. Path of Exile seems interesting as there isn't that much protection yet...


Anyways this is a bit of a necro, but there's I just want to confirm something with alkpone.


You guys loop ReadProcessMemory to monitor sections you care about. Which you then use to determine the according action.

ReadProcess is a kernal call, so as long the bot is run as admin, the PoE client can't stop the memory copy. So at best to prevent botting, Grind Gear ofuscates code.



When I read your approach on the front page, I first thought you guys were doing image search...


Anyways have fun!

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