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Exiled Insurance v0.1

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Hi I've been working on this for a couple of days now, it started as a gui frontend for Immo's Exiled Zone Changer script, but I've added a lot more to it and think it deserves it's own thread. 



- You can schedule different periods of the day for when the Bot operates, it will shut down and start up, and wait for the next periods in your scheduled list

- There are various tabs and checkboxes for all the different zones and difficulties available to Exiled Bot

- You can randomize runtimes

- Saves all your settings and loads them on launch

- There's a Setup Wizard

- Plus all the goodies from Immo's script are working properly


You can download the compiled version here:



And here are the source files if you want to mess around, it's not commented but I think the code is easy to follow:



Lemme know if anythings not working, or there are any bugs.  I just wrapped this up today, so I haven't run it for a full 24 hr period, I'd like to know if there are any problems with the scheduler specifically, but the short tests I did worked fine.

Also on the scheduler, just make sure your time periods don't overlap with eachother, 
that might cause problems in which case just delete the entries.

*Also when the script saves/loads it doesn't keep track currently of your checked scheduled times,
you'll have to recheck them if you decide to use it.  There's a little checkbox that says 
if you are using the schedule or not, nothing will happen if it's checked and all your time periods are unchecked
when you start everything.

If your config gets messed up just delete the config.ini - and it will go through the setup wizard again.


I think that's everything enjoy : )

Edited by MekongSwells
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I will test this when the weekend comes. I like to test stuff like this by myself - by looking at its performance, not only by seeing the effects. Thank you for your great work!

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I actually built on win7 x64.  It should run, maybe you need to install AutoHotkey?  If after installing, and the exiledinsurance.exe still doesn't work

try the source files included in the zip.  Just run exiledinsurance.ahk script, it will load in the other scripts.

Then you can try compiling the scripts yourself in the right click menu

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hmm getting some issues after updating (maybe saving) values, where it will restart the programs in a loop. 

if this happens just restart exiled insurance - I'll try to find out the problem

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After about 5h of testing with different configurations and on different machines all I can say - well done! I did not found any bugs.


Big ++ for coding this in AHK... yeah, I agree that it is a work in the depth of hell...

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Hey there!

First - thx for making and sharing this app, it's great.


However, sadly I stopped using it because I need to use the shortcut properties and the app doesn't want to recognise the shortcut of the game.


Could you please make it work with desktop shortcuts or maybe implement it with field for properties that it will add while starting the game?

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Dude, that really cool soft.

Random runt time, stash tab change - that amazing!

Will you word ander that soft else? For example add catacombs, fix little bug with time?

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