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Exiled BOT BUG! Stashing!

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Woke up and the bot was stuck at the my stash trying to stash my items cause my stash was full! :(


Problem is, he had a ton of room in his inventory to keep on botting :(...


possible solution (w/o injecting memory)


IF Failed to stash 10x times, go to second stash tab. 


IF FAILED to stash 10x times, else and keep going. (To fill up inventory atleast)


just woke up with 5 unid uniques and eternal and a ton of loot, lol love this bot!

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Everything goes to elite only for testing. Whether something makes its way to the open beta version is unknown, but usually only basic functionality makes its way to the open beta.

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Considering how advanced the bot is, how is multi stash tabbing not already supported?  Considering the rate at which it picks up items (and junk items, even when using Alt looting), it is difficult to run the bots for even a moderate amount of time without having to babysit it.

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My bot is picking a lot of blue/whites.....some release before never did that ( just when using smart pick , but not lot of changes since it workes well)

Edited by atoj

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My bot is picking a lot of blue/whites.....some release before never did that ( just when using smart pick , but not lot of changes since it workes well)

you have to activate key pickup (poe options) ;)


go to options / UI / and mark key pickup. It now uses the highlight key to pickup things, and won't pick up trash anymore.

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One real issue: Need to make sure the Bot does not try and stash items that can't be put away like Maligaro's Spike.  Came back and found this issue

Edited by comet_914

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One real issue: Need to make sure the Bot does not try and stash items that can't be put away like Maligaro's Spike.  Came back and found this issue

put quest items to the right side of your inventory should solve the problem ;)

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One real issue: Need to make sure the Bot does not try and stash items that can't be put away like Maligaro's Spike.  Came back and found this issue

I am having this problem with Decanter Spiritus. It's on the rightmost edge of my inventory. Is there a line I can add to pickit to prevent it trying to stash this item?


Edit: tried adding [Type] == "Decanter Spiritus" # [stashItem] == "false" to default.ipd. No luck. I'm guessing [stashItem] == "false" is not a recognized operator.

Edited by chocky

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