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Bot stopped working

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My bot stopped working since the new patch.


If I start the bot on login screen, nothing happens.

If I start it on character select screen, it spam clicks a little under the delete character button and nothing happens.

If I start it ingame, it runs into the corner and stays there.


Win7 64

Net Framework 4.0, 4.5, and all that stuff installed

Most recent bot version

Using standalone PoE client, not Steam



I have no idea what's going on. Using my own config file or the default one, it still doesn't work. Help!

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Honestly sounds like you do not have the current bot version V0.13e. Sounds like you're using v0.13 which has improper offsets. 


This sounds exactly like an offset issue.


If you start the character and load it to town and turn the bot on and it doesn't bot, it's definitely an outdated client. Especially if it USE to work for you. :)

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Running both as admin? No comodo ? All else fails click the bot configuration services link in my signature and I can help you better that way if you so choose.

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Downloaded that multiple times, to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong.

It doesn't work for me, says it's the older version of the bot, not the most recent.

I have no idea what's going on, getting really frustrated with this shit.

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They didn't update the bot to reflect the correct version, to make sure you do have the latest one make sure in the Patchnotes.txt file. Also check for the new box for what skill to use to open boxes when stuck.

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Bot still isn't working though, correct version or not. I've tried everything posted on the forums I could find, nothing works. Feels like I wasted money on a bot that I can't even get to work :(

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I downloaded the v0.13e and i'm seeing the same behavior.


The patch file, directory, and download link says v0.13e, the about box says v0.13d. I'm also not seeing the new "open_chest_fail_key" entry that was mentioned in the release notes, in the config.ini file. 

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