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whiteITEMborn - my bot is awesome white item collector, tons of white crows!

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< running fast and breathing deeply >

My defeat was nearly here...

Until the time after Elite Forums opened

When the sons of alkapone would spill their own blood...

But no one wanted to believe...

Believe this facking thing even exist...

And when the truth finally dawned, it dawned in ragequit...


There is one they fear, in their tongue, he is WHITE ITEM!

Useless shyt!


Guys, I'm totaly annoyed.

This thing is killing my botting - after just 30 minutes my stash tab is full of white shyt and crap. Idk why, bot is collecting tons of these items. Even if everything is disabled. No difference which act or location. I was trying to use pickit avaiable at the forums - this smart and huge one.


I'm running this awesome exping and item-collecting thing running Windows 8 Pro 64-bit, 800x600, all minimum settings. After 30 minutes bot gets full inv of white items and is stashing them, rather than selling or so. I was trying to use smart pickit, normal, all things disabled, all things enabled. Nothing. Also I was trying to increase:

; Set here the delay in ms to wait before looting an item (to ensure that the item is really the one we want)

But nothing is working for my character. Well, everything is working realy awesome, but picking items isn't. This is melee character, he's fighting well, using flaks when it needs, collecting rare stuff. But I can't use this bot longer than 1h with empty stash tab. Maybe because this character is running a little faster than normal character - many frenzy and endurance charges? IDK why, totally. I was trying to drop some random rare items in location, around some white items. Bot is picking up them and leaving white ones. But after 1 hour I've full stash tab. Guys, srsly, I don't wanna spend whole my day looking how bot is working and when he's picking up white one. Is there any way to add some options or check this out?

Edited by ImTotalyDrunk

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