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Optimal Build for a Fire Wiz?

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As the title says, need a build for fire (firestorm) wiz, as i cant seem to set mine up accordingly without having a tone of deaths that come with it.


Skills that it uses, Firestorm, Flammability, Totem, Summon skels, Summon Zombies. (and 2 auras, thats easy to setup :P)


everytime i try to get it to summon zombies/skels, it thinks its an enemy and forever trys to attack it.


If someone could explain to me how to set the bot up with these skills, i would be highly grateful.


I look forward to hearing from you's.


a screen picture of my current skills. - http://prntscr.com/2a1wcn

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Guest BloodyBeast

Hmm i think we had fixed that shit long time ago, maybe it got broken by an update.
We'll see if we can do something.

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