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Stash Helper and more.

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I wrote a simple ahk script to help the bot with stashing.  It does the following:

When the bot opens the stash, the script will look to see if there is room in the current stash tab.  If there is not, it pauses the bot, moves from left to right until it finds a tab with room, then unpauses the bot so stashing can commence.


This avoids the logout/login loop that will occur if your stash fills up.


I will be starting work on a "mule" script that will make transferring from bot to main a snap (requires a VM or multiple PCs)


Let me know if anyone was interested and I'll get these posted.




To all involved, great work on the bot.

Edited by krypticskunk
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Well I guess a little interest is better than none.  It's a little buggy at the moment and I don't think I'll have time to mess with it for a bit.  It's finals week and my physics professor dropped an extra bomb on us today so it's looking like next week.  I'm more excited about getting the two "mule" scripts up and running as I think those will be more useful to the community, especially those like Dark and I who run double digit accounts :)

Anyway, back to the books and botting.

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Good idea :). Thank you very much!


One thing - you can run many instances of the program/game using Sandboxie. I use it not only for games, but for security (program run in the "sandbox" don't have access to the system). Of course it is useless for using bot and normal playing, but for transfer will probably do.

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I am a new user of the EB but so far I am really happy with it's performance.

One of the problems that occur is the filled stash.


Would love a AHK script like this one.

I only hope that it isn't heavy on the VM machine or something.

Dont know how the check for the open stash tab works.

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