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question about pickit file

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When i want that the bot picks up chests with hp and 2 random res ( cold + fire , cold + lightning , lightning + fire ) would this work ?


[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"


[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" &&  [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"


[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" &&  [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"



or will the bot sell cold+ lightning res because the  fire cold + res alrdy was not true ?


same with linked items , will the bot sell my 6 link because i told him to sell 3 links ?


[sockets] >= "5" && [Linked] >= "5" # [stashItem] == "true"  


[sockets] >= "3" && [Linked] >= "3" [sellUnid] == "true" 


thx for answers  :mrgreen:

Edited by Delamonica

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As I understand:


[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25"

 mean: Pick up Rare Chest, then identify and check if it has:

- at least +60 max life mod


- at least 25 cold res


- at leat 25 fire res.

So - if even one of this conditions is not true (for example if it is +70max life, 30% cold, 30 % lightning rare chest) bot will sell it.


Instead && use II (if it works correctly).


Your rule should look like:

[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && ( [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" II [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" )


This will change cold/fire conditions from AND to OR...


Can someone tell if this reasoning is true?

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As I understand:


 mean: Pick up Rare Chest, then identify and check if it has:

- at least +60 max life mod


- at least 25 cold res


- at leat 25 fire res.

So - if even one of this conditions is not true (for example if it is +70max life, 30% cold, 30 % lightning rare chest) bot will sell it.


Instead && use II (if it works correctly).


Your rule should look like:

[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && ( [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" II [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" )


This will change cold/fire conditions from AND to OR...


Can someone tell if this reasoning is true?

The op wrote more rules... The bot checks all rules, till one rule is true if none is true it will sell the item.

At op yea it works like you wrote it will stash it because of the 3. rule.

Edited by Subtract

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[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" #  [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && (([base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25") || ([base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25") || ([base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25")) && [stashItem] == "true"

Edited by rodin

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