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Hello guys.

I'm new here and was wondering if theres was any way to make the bot progress the game for you? Like a new character getting played through from the beginning?

Or is it only area-specific?

When i start the bot, choose act 1 prisoners gate, it just stands there doing nothing.

Thx in advance.

Edited by MalleZen

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2 hours ago, MalleZen said:

Hello guys.

I'm new here and was wondering if theres was any way to make the bot progress the game for you? Like a new character getting played through from the beginning?

Or is it only area-specific?

When i start the bot, choose act 1 prisoners gate, it just stands there doing nothing.

Thx in advance.

Well Firstly, the Bot is not Updated yet, so of course its going to stand around and do nothing as the Offsets have changed.

Secondly, what your thinking of is called "Progression" it does acts 1-5 but its a bit glitchy/buggy and Experimental still so its a Use at your own risk

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Bot is already updated. The hotfix yesterday did not interfere with the bot. 

However he is right that progression is quite buggy. Its best to farm a certain area / map. U can keep having the bot advance manually. (example if your quest says go to 'Imperial Gardens', Set the bot to farm Imperial Garden's and it will run there for you.) But as far as it running straight through act 1-5 and level ect, chances are it will not run all the way. Try taking off 'Progression Enabled' and see if the bot works normally. 

Another thing to check is your game version. Try running under Normal, Steam, ect until you find the one that works for you. Chances are it will be Normal or Steam.

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