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Any help please

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Download VMware Workstation 16 player from VMWARE (free)

Download Windows 10 pro ISO from Microsoft.com (free).


Mount the ISO - you need to connect the ISO file to the VM, under virtual machine settings -  CD/DVD it will give you the option to browse for the ISO, find the windows 10 ISO.

boot up the VM and press any key to boot from CD. 

Make sure VMWARE TOOLS is installed, you download it from VMWARE like you did the workstation. (you need to connect the ISO file to the VM, under virtual machine settings -  CD/DVD it will give you the option to browse for the ISO of VMWARE TOOLS you downloaded from VMWARE. games wont play without it....  Once you mount the ISO you will see it in the file explorer like any other dvd you popped into your old 1999 compac PC back in the day, follow the installer and reboot the VM)


Strongly recommend 8gig of ram and atleast 6 cores.  the biggest impact will be the Harddrive though as POE runs heavily off of it (NVME is key, but SDD should work fine) your gunna notice some frame drops and studdering but the bot shouldnt mind it too much, just low low low settings for everything. 


Get a VPN - I use PROTONVPN, its free.  Install it on the VM like you would on any other computer.


Download and install the prerequisites for the bot (DIrect x and C+ distributable or whatever it is) check the front page of the EB or in the bots Read-me files)

Setup your BOT, install it, configure it.  Strongly suggest creating a char, and mapping the tree in POB, and find the skills to use before so you can configure the bot to them.

the biggest thing is setting up the KITE (so your not face tanking every enemy/boss) if your a melee build, set the kite distance to 10, so your dodging, hitting, dodging, hitting etc....  

Second important thing - SET UP YOUR SKILLS MIN AND MAX DISTANCES... this is a big one.  and I mean huge.  if you leave them at 0,  your character wont use a single skill until hes literally inside the enemy. set minimum to atleast 2 even for melee builds.  it will hit it every time. 

Download POE and sign in.

press start bot and watch the fun happen.  Just remember the bot is a drone, an idiot. he wont know hes standing in a ring of fire or surrounded by 1000 delirium mobs ..... so go for a tanky, fast clearing build, not a glass cannon, and your money will flow in like a boss.  And to get it to your main.  ask for help in global on behalf of your bot, go into a map and drop all the currency or items on the ground and pick them up as your main.  Play with others as your bot every other day for at least 1 map to show you've played maps with many other people, and not just your own IP of your MAIN....  lemme know if you run into any problems :).




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hi i just read this, and its my first time doing this. Under the part where it says specify disk capacity. Can i store virtual disk into a single file or should i do multiple files

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