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Character stands still until death randomly

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Hello All!


I am having a problem with my marauder.. I am running Library mostly w/ cyclone & infernal blow build (I kill things very easy and fast). I am also using Jarvis smart pickit.


However, he randomly seems to stop attacking sometimes, & just stands still with a bunch of mobs attacking him until he dies.. Or in my case my chicken logout occurs @ 20%.


Anyone else experiencing a similar issue? It very well could be my settings, but im not sure!


- Operating system (windows 7 64bits, windows XP, windows 8...) : Windows 7

- Level : 80

- Difficulty : Merc Library

Edited by leeroy788

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I think I have narrowed down the problem to being the spell Cyclone. if you are ever around any edge, or wall, or something similar cyclone doesn't work properly and you must move away from the edge/wall and then cast it again...


I believe the problem is the bot is trying to hold down my cyclone button, while being next to an edge and thus just stands there until dying..


What it would need to do is walk away from the edge, and then cast cyclone again on the monster... Any ideas if I can make this possible in the settings? Everytime ive seen my guy stuck its because of standing to close to a wall or something.

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