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Smart pickit isssues

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Bot is picking normal(no rarity) gloves.

Bot is selling scrolls of wisdom (this makes pickit system unusable).



Here is mine default.ipd

//5L 6S
[Sockets] >= "5" && [Linked] >= "5"  // Keep 5/6L
[Sockets] == "6" && [Linked] <= "4" && [SellUnid] == "true" // Sell 6S

[Rarity] == "Rare" && ([Category] == "Boots" || [Category] == "Helm" || [Category] == "Gloves" ) # [base_item_found_rarity_+%]>=15
[Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%]>=20

[Rarity] == "Rare" && [Category] == "Gloves" # [life_leech_from_physical_damage_%]>1

[Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_movement_velocity_+%] > 10 && ([base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= 25 || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_% ]>=25 || [base_resist_all_elements_%] >= 10)

[Rarity] == "Rare" && [Category] == "Belt"

[Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= 25 || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_% ]>=25 || [base_resist_all_elements_%] >= 10 )

[Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= 25 || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_% ]>=25 || [base_resist_all_elements_%] >= 10 || [life_leech_from_physical_damage_%]>1 || [mana_leech_from_physical_damage_%]>1)

[Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([Armor]>800 || [Evasion]>800 || [Energy Shield]>600)

//                                                                                 //
//                                  G E M S                                        //
//                                                                                 //

// For quality gem, use the min_gem_quality for the moment
// [Type] == "Added Chaos Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Added Cold Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Added Fire Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Added Lightning Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Additional Accuracy"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Anger"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Animate Guardian"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Animate Weapon"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Arc"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Arctic Armour"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Arctic Breath"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Bear Trap"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Blind"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Blood Magic"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Blood Rage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Burning Arrow"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast on Critical Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast on Death"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast on Melee Kill"   // Gem
[Type] == "Cast when Damage Taken"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast when Stunned"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Chain"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Chance to Flee"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Chance to Ignite"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Clarity"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cleave"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cold Penetration"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cold Snap"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cold to Fire"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Concentrated Effect"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Conductivity"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Conversion Trap"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Critical Weakness"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Culling Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Curse On Hit"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Cyclone"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Decoy Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Determination"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Detonate Dead"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Devouring Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Discharge"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Discipline"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Dominating Blow"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Double Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Dual Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Hit"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Proliferation"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Weakness"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Empower"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Enhance"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Enduring Cry"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Enfeeble"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Ethereal Knives"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Explosive Arrow"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Faster Attacks"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Faster Casting"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Faster Projectiles"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Fire Penetration"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Fire Trap"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Fireball"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Firestorm"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Flame Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Flammability"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Flicker Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Fork"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Freeze Mine"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Freezing Pulse"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Frenzy"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Frost Wall"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Frostbite"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Glacial Hammer"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Grace"   // Gem
[Type] == "Greater Multiple Projectiles"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Ground Slam"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Haste"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Hatred"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Heavy Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Nova"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Shot"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Spear"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Immortal Call"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Incinerate"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Area of Effect"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Critical Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Critical Strikes"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Duration"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Infernal Blow"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Iron Grip"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Iron Will"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Item Quantity"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Item Rarity"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Knockback"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Leap Slam"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Lesser Multiple Projectiles"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Life Gain on Hit"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Life Leech"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Arrow"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Penetration"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Trap"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Warp"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Mana Leech"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Melee Damage on Full Life"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Melee Physical Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Melee Splash"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion Life"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion Speed"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Molten Shell"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Multiple Traps"   // Gem
[Type] == "Multistrike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Phase Run"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Pierce"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Point Blank"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Poison Arrow"   // Gem
[Type] == "Portal"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Power Charge On Critical"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Power Siphon"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Projectile Weakness"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Puncture"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Punishment"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Fire"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Ice"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Lightning"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Rain of Arrows"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Raise Spectre"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Raise Zombie"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Ranged Attack Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Reave"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Reduced Duration"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Reduced Mana"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Rejuvenation Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Remote Mine"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Righteous Fire"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Searing Bond"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Shield Charge"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Shock Nova"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Shockwave Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Slower Projectiles"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Smoke Mine"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Spark"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Spectral Throw"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Spell Totem"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Split Arrow"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Stun"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Skeletons"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Sweep"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Tempest Shield"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Temporal Chains"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Trap"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Viper Strike"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Vitality"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Vulnerability"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Warlord's Mark"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Weapon Elemental Damage"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Whirling Blades"   // Gem
// [Type] == "Wrath"   // Gem

//                                                                                 //
//                             U N I Q U E  I T E M S                              //
//                                                                                 //

[Rarity] == "Unique" // Any unique item


; Pickit config file

; Set here if you want the bot to pickup or not scrolls.

; Number of id scroll you want to keep in inventory

; Activate the smart pickit Item Pickupt Definition (Check \Configuration\Pickit\standard.default.pd)

; Number of tp scroll you want to keep in inventory

; Set here if you want the bot to pickup or not rare rings and amulets.

; Set here if you want the bot to pickup or not rare items.

; Set here if you want to pick 5L items.

; Set here if you want to pick 6S items.

; Set here which quality minimum you want to pick a gem.

; Number of try on the location where the item is supposed to be, before moving the cursor.

; Number of time the bot will increase (half) or decrease (half) y mouse coordinate when clicking on an item (default : 30)

; Offset used each time the bot tries a new time.

; Set here if you want to pick Unique items.


2013-12-02 20:53:55 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 14342.390625).
2013-12-02 20:53:55 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2013-12-02 20:53:55 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 14342.390625). State Priority: 9
2013-12-02 20:53:56 [info] -> Identifying item...
2013-12-02 20:54:00 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:00 [info] -> Identifying item...
2013-12-02 20:54:03 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:03 [info] -> Identifying item...
2013-12-02 20:54:07 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:07 [info] -> Identifying item...
2013-12-02 20:54:11 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:11 [info] -> Moving to position(2700.364746, 1820.344971). State Priority: 4
2013-12-02 20:54:11 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:11 [info] -> Moving to position(2581.342773, 1856.121704). State Priority: 4
2013-12-02 20:54:12 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:12 [info] -> Moving to position(2283.186523, 1893.714233). State Priority: 4
2013-12-02 20:54:12 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:12 [info] -> Moving to position(2173.840820, 1949.407715). State Priority: 4
2013-12-02 20:54:13 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2177.649414, 1951.362671). State Priority: 4
2013-12-02 20:54:13 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:13 [info] -> Selling item...
2013-12-02 20:54:14 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:14 [info] -> Selling item...
2013-12-02 20:54:16 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:16 [info] -> Selling item...
2013-12-02 20:54:16 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:16 [info] -> Selling item...
2013-12-02 20:54:18 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:18 [info] -> Selling item...
2013-12-02 20:54:18 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal
2013-12-02 20:54:18 [info] -> Selling item...
2013-12-02 20:54:20 [info] -> Going to waypoint portal

He Identified 4 items and sold 6. 3 were rare, 1 was magic gloves, 1 was normal gloves and 1 was stack of scrolls


  • Upvote 1

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lol thats weird but i wish i know how to make bot sell some currency shit like transmut and maps... amount of this loot is killing me

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