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What are the optimal settings to run multiple bots?

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Hello All,


I am using the following:


  • I7 3770k - 4ghz
  • 32gb ram 
  • Geforce GTX 660 ti - 2gb
  • Intel 180gb SSD
  • Windows 7 64 bit

I put all of the POE settings to the lowest, (even edited the config file to change texture quality to like 10, the game looks REALLY crappy due to this)


I made a master VM (with VMware 7) with the following settings:


  • 7.5 gb hdd
  • 2gb of ram
  • 1 processor with 1 core
    • In processor settings I disabled binary acceleration (no idea what this does) and I am using binary translation (also no idea what this does)
    • I tried many of the possible cpu options such as Intel VT-X/EPT
  • Windows 7 32 bit
  • Shared POE folder



After making the master VM, I cloned 5 FULL copies of it (non linked). 


It seems like 1 VM with poe running in background takes up about 15% of my cpu usage, therefore can only open 6 :(


I have nothing running in the background on either the VMs or on the computer. I recently installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 64bit on my computer and the VMs are freshly installed as well. I tried Windows XP and the cpu usage seemed to be the same. 



I was told I can probably run like 10+ vmwares with poe + bot with my set up. Is this true? Or am I doing something wrong?



Any help/tips are appreciated.




Edited by babaking310

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limit fps with dxtory

will try this when I get home, that does seem like it would fix it. I just remembered that I was able to run like 9 diablo 3 bots at like 20% cpu usage due to the built in FPS lock in rate. 



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There's a super stripped down version of window's 7 linked in the elite's section [i'd post it out here but I'll leave that to the discretion of the original poster] that lets you cut your RAM in half at the very least.  I run mine @ 1gb, but some others have got usage down to 600mb.  On any version though, try  a page file of a 1.25 gb and turn down all the W7 visual settings to pure performance mode; then try stepping down your total RAM allocation in your VMs and see how low you can go stably.



Don't know what to tell you about CPU load tho.

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There's a super stripped down version of window's 7 linked in the elite's section [i'd post it out here but I'll leave that to the discretion of the original poster] that lets you cut your RAM in half at the very least.  I run mine @ 1gb, but some others have got usage down to 600mb.  On any version though, try  a page file of a 1.25 gb and turn down all the W7 visual settings to pure performance mode; then try stepping down your total RAM allocation in your VMs and see how low you can go stably.



Don't know what to tell you about CPU load tho.

Thanks Crooked, I will take a look at it once my elite status kicks in. yeah, I got plenty of ram but the less usage of resources, the better!   :)

Edited by babaking310

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"After making the master VM, I cloned 5 FULL copies of it (non linked)."


is safe clone your VMS ? what is non linked? Thanks

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how the clone thing works? clone copy take same hdd/ram use as master vm? For clone i need workstation version? I was install workstation once but cant run poe couse of 3d driver didnt find out how to make it work :( so i switch back to vm player but run only 1 copy (

Edited by mbxnir

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