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Crafting with orbs

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Not sure if you started work on crafting orbs... but I got bored and threw something together.

//Code for crafting

//usage of namespace
using namespace std;

//main controllers (gui elements)
bool has_craftables;
bool craft;

int current_roll;
int max_rolls;

//Crafting settings (config elements)
bool alchemy;
bool fusing;
bool socketing;
bool chaos;
bool regal;
bool chrome;
bool exalt;

//Crafting commands (eg. in config, use [Alch] == "true"
bool alch;
bool fuse;
bool socket;
bool Croll;
bool Rroll;
bool color;
bool ex;

//function declarations
bool init();
bool load_craft();
void start_craft();

main()//The item parse
		//handle error
			//handle error
		if(craft == true)

bool init()
	bool flag = true;
	bool loadfilecheck = true; //Place holder for the function used to load the settings

	//initializing unused variables
	has_craftables = false;
	craft = false;
	max_rolls = 0;

	//This would be where you load crafting setting
		//error message here
		flag = false;

	return flag;

bool load_craft()
	//This is where you load the config file

void start_craft()
	if(has_craftables == true)
		while(current_roll < max_rolls)
			if(alchemy == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(alch == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
			if(regal == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(Rroll == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
			if(chaos == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(Croll == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
			if(socketing == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(socket == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
			if(fusing == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(fuse == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
			if(chrome == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(color == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
			if(exalt == true)
				//check item against craft parameters and set the variable to true if a true match is found
				if(ex == true)
					//go to stash
					//find orb
Edited by Jarvis101

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Nice try :)

You forget to specify the Item we want to roll ^^.

Behind this, need for a hard regex handling.

Also logic handling the result of the craft to stash it or sell it or reroll it.

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I was thinking of when the bot id's the item, it checks its stats vs a crafting config. The result would be checked against a pickit.


example : Item gets id'd, checks if it is to be sold, if so, run through craft check. loop process until crafting tries are used up.


But yeah, I can see a dozen problems with this code. Wrote it last night after being up for 20 hours.

Edited by Jarvis101

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