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new item for Stashitem 新存倉物品(4/28自訂星團珠寶附加天賦數)

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add to eb picket default data. 

[Type] == "Gilded Ambush Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Bestiary Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Breach Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Cartography Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Divination Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Elder Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Harbinger Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Legion Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Metamorph Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Perandus Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Reliquary Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Shaper Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Sulphite Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Torment Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Ambush Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Bestiary Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Breach Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Cartography Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Divination Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Elder Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Harbinger Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Legion Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Metamorph Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Perandus Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Reliquary Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Shaper Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Sulphite Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Polished Torment Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Ambush Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Bestiary Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Breach Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Cartography Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Divination Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Elder Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Harbinger Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Legion Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Metamorph Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Perandus Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Reliquary Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Shaper Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Sulphite Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Rusted Torment Scarab" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Aberrant Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Aetheric Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Bloodstained Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Bound Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Corroded Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Dense Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Enchanted Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Encrusted Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Faceted Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Fractured Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Frigid Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Gilded Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Glyphic Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Hollow Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Jagged Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Lucent Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Metallic Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Perfect Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Prismatic Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Pristine Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Sanctified Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Scorched Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Serrated Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Shuddering Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Tangled Fossil" # [StashItem] == "true"

//five legion splinter五軍團碎片

[Type] == "Timeless Templar Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Karui Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Timeless Vaal Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"

//oil 油瓶

[Type] == "Clear Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Sepia Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Amber Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Verdant Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Teal Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Azure Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Violet Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Crimson Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Black Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Opalescent Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Silver Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Golden Oil" # [StashItem] == "true"

//Simulacrum 幻象斷片

[Type] == "Simulacrum Splinter" # [StashItem] == "true"

//Cluster Jewel to pick Rare and Unique星團珠寶(all pickit 全撿)
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true"

//Delirium Orb 妄玉

[Type] == "Abyssal Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Amorphous Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Armoursmith's Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Blacksmith's Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Blighted Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Cartographer's Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Decadent Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Diviner's Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Fine Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Foreboding Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Fossilised Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Fragmented Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Imperial Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Jeweller's Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Obscured Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Portentous Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Primal Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] =="Singular Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] =="Skittering Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] =="Thaumaturge's Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] =="Timeless Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] =="Whispering Delirium Orb" # [StashItem] == "true"


[Type] =="Simple Sextant" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Prime Sextant" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Awakened Sextant" # [StashItem] == "ture"


[Type] =="Turbulent Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Imbued Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Abrasive Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Tempering Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Fertile Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Prismatic Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"
[Type] =="Intrinsic Catalyst" # [StashItem] == "ture"


update. 4/4  add  Delirium Orb

update. 4/8  add  Sextant

update. 4/9 add  Caralyst

//large= <=8  , magic <=5 ,small <=2 or you want value?巨型附加天賦低於8,中型附加天賦低於5,小型附加天賦低於2 或你要的數值
//if pickit all,you need to comment,except Unique...如果設定全撿,上面的全撿除了傳奇外請加註解。
//U can try test use pickit +10 and +8 large cluster jewel,and bot can able to sell? or stash,你可嘗試在身上放+10與+8天賦巨型珠寶看EB的動作是否正確。
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "8" && [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "8" && [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Large Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "8" && [StashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "5" && [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "5" && [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Medium Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "5" && [StashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "2" && [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "2" && [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Small Cluster Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [local_jewel_expansion_passive_node_count] <= "2" && [StashItem] == "true"

update 4/28 modify pickit logic large  megium small cluster jewel  星團珠寶天賦數值更改,若有問題請回報

Edited by bj6ck6text1
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