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VPN lifeguard - How to secure your real IP address against VPN disconnections

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Hi there,




When your VPN discs, your "normal internet route" is blocked for selected programs (pathofexile.exe,firefox.exe,...)

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or use ahk script:

	FileDelete, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	UrlDownloadToFile, http://ip.ahk4.me/, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	FileRead, ExtIP, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	;MsgBox % ExtIP

	StringGetPos, pos1, ExtIP, . ; check for internet
	if pos1 = -1
		Run taskkill.exe /F /IM ExiledBot.exe,, Hide
	StringGetPos, pos2, ExtIP, 109.188 ; your normal IP
	if pos2 >= 0
	    Run taskkill.exe /F /IM ExiledBot.exe,, Hide
	Random, rand, 100, 300
	Sleep, rand
replace 109.188 with normal IP


Nice ! Thanks !

Edited by pijafro

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or use ahk script:

	FileDelete, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	UrlDownloadToFile, http://ip.ahk4.me/, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	FileRead, ExtIP, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	;MsgBox % ExtIP

	StringGetPos, pos1, ExtIP, . ; check for internet
	if pos1 = -1
		Run taskkill.exe /F /IM ExiledBot.exe,, Hide
	StringGetPos, pos2, ExtIP, 109.188 ; your normal IP
	if pos2 >= 0
	    Run taskkill.exe /F /IM ExiledBot.exe,, Hide
	Random, rand, 100, 300
	Sleep, rand
replace 109.188 with normal IP


Thanks for this. Only mod i did was to have it shutdown pathofexile.exe as well as the bot.


Works great in combination with: http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/697-auto-poe/

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small adition for dxtory and auto poe:

	FileDelete, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	UrlDownloadToFile, http://ip.ahk4.me/, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	FileRead, ExtIP, %A_Temp%\ip.ahk4.me
	;MsgBox % ExtIP

	IfWinExist, Dxtory
    		WinActivate  ; Automatically uses the window found above.
    		WinMinimize  ; same

        StringGetPos, pos1, ExtIP, . ; check for internet
	if pos1 = -1
		Run taskkill.exe /F /IM ExiledBot.exe,, Hide
                Run taskkill.exe /F /IM PathOfExile.exe,, Hide

	StringGetPos, pos2, ExtIP, 109.188 ; your normal IP
	if pos2 >= 0
	    Run taskkill.exe /F /IM ExiledBot.exe,, Hide
            Run taskkill.exe /F /IM PathOfExile.exe,, Hide
	Random, rand, 100, 300
	Sleep, rand

replace 109.188 with normal IP 

Edited by dlr5668

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It would be sweet if someone more familiar with autoit/ahk would combine this and autopoe into one. So it would just be just once click after a vm restart to get rolling again. Also add auto-start dxtory, unless that is what you added above.

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It would be sweet if someone more familiar with autoit/ahk would combine this and autopoe into one. So it would just be just once click after a vm restart to get rolling again. Also add auto-start dxtory, unless that is what you added above.

use windows autostart ^^ this ahk + dxtory + autopoe

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If you all would just use my VPN services, you wouldnt need this ahk script, my VPNs dnt disconnect :D



You can't guarantee 100% uptime if your provider can't even do it.


So better use something who block everything if VPN disconnect.


Even if it's 1 DC in 2 month, it's still the safest way to do.

Edited by drmaboul

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Hi there,




When your VPN discs, your "normal internet route" is blocked for selected programs (pathofexile.exe,firefox.exe,...)

Feel free to donate, his tool is 100% free

k so I connected to my vpn> open up the lifeguard> change config> put my poe.exe w.e in softwares to managed> check all autorun.  and tried disconnecting my vpn manually 


what happen is it closes poe client> connects vpn client> then open poe client 


real problem is it always patch after it opens the poe client. and it just keeps on doing the same thing over and over again and im running out of disk space and it never ends 


anyone has encounter this? and has a fix?

Edited by sniper101

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k so I connected to my vpn> open up the lifeguard> change config> put my poe.exe w.e in softwares to managed> check all autorun.  and tried disconnecting my vpn manually 


what happen is it closes poe client> connects vpn client> then open poe client 


real problem is it always patch after it opens the poe client. and it just keeps on doing the same thing over and over again and im running out of disk space and it never ends 


anyone has encounter this? and has a fix?


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