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Good post! However the bot doesnt read memory for waypoints, just uses fixed mouse coords.


For navigating the waypoint menu, yes. For finding the waypoint itself, no.

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Out of curiosity, wouldn't it be better to have the offsets stored in a separate txt/ini file. That way, the bot could open the txt/ini file and automatically use the offset text directly within the file. This way, the community could contribute and a "new" bot patch wouldnt be necessary after every minor update. Basically, making it semi-open sourced...

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Out of curiosity, wouldn't it be better to have the offsets stored in a separate txt/ini file. That way, the bot could open the txt/ini file and automatically use the offset text directly within the file. This way, the community could contribute and a "new" bot patch wouldnt be necessary after every minor update. Basically, making it semi-open sourced...

if this is possible i think is a great idea, so the team can ameliorate the bot without having working on offset

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if this is possible i think is a great idea, so the team can ameliorate the bot without having working on offset


it shouldn't be that difficult.. if its coded in C++, basically include some libs (probably already included), then basically "open" the file. Construct a whileloop that loops through the # of memory tokens. and store each offset in an array. Then softcode the rest of the c++ file to use the array. That way, you basically copy/paste new offsets into this ini/txt file and the bot will "open" a new offset txt file when  you change it and auto-update.

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Thing is, when messing with memory you can do a LOT of damage. Not just to the running program, but you could corrupt a data sector in your RAM or your HDD if you don't know what you're doing. It's not like interpreted code, or scripting languages, or high level languages, where there are safeguards that prevent you from typing your way to a new pc... You're dealing with raw buffer data, and if you don't know what you're doing (or someone unwittingly makes a change to the file), then bad things can happen

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isn't that what memory diagnostic tool is for ;o.. I personally havent written anythign in C++, though i helped robotics team debug stuff and learned some stuff about pointers and memory addressing.. I would think he offsets would be something similar to that.


I'm not experienced with offsets/hex value and stuff but from the general idea that the topic is based on... The hex values of the old and new should be similar, if not identical.

You could probalby write a simple matching code that:


uses the offset/hex pair as key/data

whileloop through the whole address to find a matching hex and return the associated offset.

move on to next pair of key/data used in the bot


assuming that hex value from old and new poe remains identical...

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You're right about pointers and memory addresses, but it's a bit more complicated then searching for an identical hex value...


Example : Memory address you're looking for - item mod value. You know the mod value you're looking for is 52. You look for the value 34(52 in hex). 800 addresses return, including the 52 in your currently logged ip, the 52 hp monster on the map, etc etc etc x800.


Like I said it takes sifting.

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I just started botting with exiled in PoE yestarday, and i tell you the few hours i did really paid of. I can wait for the update, no problems. As soon as have a little more experience with this bot I shall become an elite member. I'm already a user of other bot program, but is not as safe as yours. Just want to thank you devs for the great work. Keep it up!

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You're right about pointers and memory addresses, but it's a bit more complicated then searching for an identical hex value...


Example : Memory address you're looking for - item mod value. You know the mod value you're looking for is 52. You look for the value 34(52 in hex). 800 addresses return, including the 52 in your currently logged ip, the 52 hp monster on the map, etc etc etc x800.


Like I said it takes sifting.

but say using your example of "52" in hex, hex value has 6 values associated with each pointer, not just a single 1. as i said, you while loop through each key(offsets), but iwthin each key when you're matching the hex values, u forlop i=1:6 such that each of the 6 hex values all match and return the offset value from the new update. If the 6 hex values dont match the old values, then it'll go to the 2nd offset that finds a "52" in the 1st digit, but also continues to check the other 5 values.

Edited by Aznmaster206

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Each pointer will point to a certain block in the memory. Each memory block is comprised of 8 bits (8 hex values), and once you've stored the data you need in that block, the remainder values in that block will be 0x00. What you're suggesting would require a search matrix, which would need to analyze multiple memory blocks at once. Still doable, but it's a steep road, and it only gets steeper.

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Normaly for the new offsets/adresses I've just written a CE script to update them.

But yes doing that but within the same programe you've written is doable but yea I agree "it's a steep road, and it only gets steeper."

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I think you're right, its complicated, and hard, that is why we pay for them :). If they see, (im sure they), that this process tooks days to make, they should hire more programmer to deliver us the bot faster. I love being in the opposite all the time.

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reverse engineering isn't programing particularily. To call it programming would be to call milk and and eggs the same thing. Sure they both have to do with computers, but reverse engineering has less to do with code, and more to do with computer science, programming theory, reverse engineering theory, etc etc. It's what happens after you get the offsets that is considered programming.


Sure programmers area dime a dozen (though good ones are hard to find), but computer science majors, or self taught geniuses that you can trust and have aligned interests are not only hard to find, but are in high demand.

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Hey, I just wanted to mention, I've taken a course on assembly language and the stuff to the right of the memory values are not comments. They are the ascii representation of the hex values. For example in the third line in the memory window, the values go "40 40 40 ...." and to the right of that column you can see it it "@@@..." Well, if you look at http://www.asciitable.com/ you can see hex 40 = @ in ascii


As for finding the memory addresses again, hopefully the makers of the bot are able to simply find the block of code that points to the new address. The code should always remain static, so you can find it easier than sifting through hexadecimal >.<



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That's true for smaller updates, but larger content updates change the code block size. For example, adding new skill gems would skew the size of the block that contains the items data.


As for the dissasembler, I haven't taken any courses on assembly language or anything. I just remember doing a few tuts on basic disassembler usage, and never really played around with it. I suppose when I saw the ascii characters on the right, I assumed that they were comments.

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wonder if a pixelsearch bot would be better in the long run? i mean what we hate of pixelsearch usually it was a autohotkey using mouse and keyboard but current bot does that too.


Problem with pixel search users might get different result based on brightness , video card settings and so on.

Then again users could create a profile for amd or nvidia cards.

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