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I found out why It picks up white items!!

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I mean, I suppose this answer is probably obvious anyway.

I've posted many threads and had many discussions over the months. Some people claim to not have this problem, I don't see how. I just watched my bot fill up with white items and stop in less than an hour, I watched the whole thing (Yes I have that much free time).

Whether your bot's left click is set to move only or a skill does not matter (I don't know why this is so often recommended. It's useless).

In the last hour that I watched it has accidentally clicked on boulders and chests while navigating the map and then immediately picking up the item flying in the air with the next click (As the bot has close to what seems 10 clicks+ per second). This is some of the problem, but the majority appears to be while it is navigating backwards through monsters already killed. It picks up so many items while it walks over mounds of leftover loot.

I don't understand how this isn't a problem for some people as it seems to be in the core of the bot and not some computer hardware or game setting issue. I don't know how some people are fine, but if someone could propose a possible solution given that I took the time to analyze an hour of play, I'd appreciate it!

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Omfg. After all this time and everyone who's had this problem. All of the solutions and suggestions that were completely wrong. No one ever though to mention the setting in the UI that says Key Pickup (Only allow items to be picked up while the highlight key is down). Sticky this please, ridiculous that so many people have had this issue and this was never mentioned.

Step 1: Set Bot To "Use Alt to Loot"

Step 2: Uncheck "Always Highlight" In game UI

(The never mentioned one) Step 3: Check "Key Pickup" In game UI

I cannot believe this was never mentioned. Rawr I wanna throw my keyboard.

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LOL! sorry but when read carefully you will find the solution in a few seconds! The solution is known for a long time ;)

edit:ok, if you are an elite :P

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  On 11/19/2013 at 6:42 AM, Jabram said:

Step 1: Set Bot To "Use Alt to Loot"

Step 2: Uncheck "Always Highlight" In game UI

(The never mentioned one) Step 3: Check "Key Pickup" In game UI



Love the 3 steps!  I know this post is old.  I don't care.  It helped me out!  Thanks!

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