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Bot Still Working for Tencent?

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But when I run the bot, my character keeps running to the north-east corner of the map. I changed the language to  English and set bot platform. Is there anything specific I have to configure?

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should you not disable vsync? Not sure though, just a thought.

what does the lastlog.txt say? Maybe post a part of it here (a section where you start the bot, and when it runs to corner of map, stop it) then post log

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hmmm, is this at the login screen? does not seem like the bot actually opens an area/waypoint !!

What character did you select in the credential tab?

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Oh, you are trying to level with it?

Then you have to tick "Progression", and make sure you have selected (in map tab) Act1 - The Coast. It should then start from there

Also, i dont know if you should have "press shift while moving, but i do know you have to bind "move only" to your left mouse button in the game, not default attack

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I select the tencent version at the top. But it still does not work. The problem is that the bot keeps selecting character while the game itself has selected a character. It seems the bot can't read game content after the character loads.

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I think the problem is the bot can’t read game content after selecting character. It stays at character selecting scene but actually the game already loads the character. 

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in your pictures, you show the bot standing in act1 town, so not sure what you mean "stays at character selecting scene".

The fact that it runs up into the corner is because you have map config enabled, but trying to run act1. I had the same problem and found that to resolve it.

Stop the bot, open the character, let it stand in town, then press start bot

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The picture you were looking at is not posted by me.... “Stays at character selecting”, if you look the bot log I posted, it says the bot is keeps selecting character, but my character is already in the game. Sorry for the confusion

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