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New and eager

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Hi there. I am new here, this being my 3rd day.

It took me quite a while to decide if i wanted to use this software, and I spent allot of time reading just about all the forum threads on how it works, existing bugs etc.

Generally, the forums have a good guideline on how to get this working. That said, there is somewhat lacking information, not just in terms of usage, but dated information.
I got mine working pretty well, but it took allot of tweaking, trial and error, testing...

I also like to help others, as i know the frustration of the struggles this platform can provide.
I would really like to help where i can. I am still very much a noob, but what I have learned, i would like to share.
I will try my best to focus on the typical "help, bot not work", "not attacking", "stuck in x or y place".

I intend to do multiple builds, and get them working to a point it will be accepted by the general community. I will ofcourse share, and hopefully, create some easy to use/read guides.

For now, this is enough talking.
Looking forward to seeing you folks around :D

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