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Concerns before purchasing

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Interested in trying the bot, but I have little knowledge of botting. 


Does GGG ip ban and if so would a basic free VPN be viable for preventing this? 

Is the bot kept up to date and currently up to date/usable?

Lastly, is there anything I should know before purchasing a license and using the bot?

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yes ggg does ip ban and i suggest dont buy the bot

its bad ... all it can do is run some maps (and being shit at it) its a software from 2014 with an update from 2016 (but it DOES get updated every poe patch for the new memory addresses)

i spend 2 weeks figuring out how to get the bot to work. there is zero support here or on slack

if u want to have a couple of extra exalted learn how to craft for profit or flip stuff on trade

if u want a bot that grinds bloodaqueduct for you and have the time setting it up and wonder why it never does what you want go ahead and buy it

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13 hours ago, zerger3 said:

yes ggg does ip ban and i suggest dont buy the bot

its bad ... all it can do is run some maps (and being shit at it) its a software from 2014 with an update from 2016 (but it DOES get updated every poe patch for the new memory addresses)

i spend 2 weeks figuring out how to get the bot to work. there is zero support here or on slack

if u want to have a couple of extra exalted learn how to craft for profit or flip stuff on trade

if u want a bot that grinds bloodaqueduct for you and have the time setting it up and wonder why it never does what you want go ahead and buy it

This is not true.

1. There's plenty of information about bot configuration on forum. Learm how to use search.

2. Bot is great at running maps and is capable of bringing nice profit. ~2 minutes per map, 8-10 ex worth of currency per 24 hours (at 180c ex rate).

Edited by SupZerg

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well i use the search function for all my issues  and it only shows threads where people have the same issue and there is no fix for it. if u check your own forum you would see that 75% of the post from the last 12 month are ppl asking for help. its obvious that not even the mods have a look at the forum on a daily basis since spams take a few days before they get deleted

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On 30/10/2019 at 1:31 PM, SupZerg said:

This is not true.

1. There's plenty of information about bot configuration on forum. Learm how to use search.

2. Bot is great at running maps and is capable of bringing nice profit. ~2 minutes per map, 8-10 ex worth of currency per 24 hours (at 180c ex rate).

2. I can pay for someone who can help me setting to run with profit like that .

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